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Hooked Part of 13/17 there was a catch. When busy American fa | Blinkist Summary Book

Part of 13/17

there was a catch. When busy American families tucked into their conveniently microwaved pizzas or enchiladas or pot pies they didn’t know exactly what ingredients their new food contained.
If they’d known they might have been more cautious. Because instead of just adding sugar to things we expect to be sweet like cereal and candy the processed food industry also started adding it to everything else. In fact food makers put sugar in three-quarters of the products in the grocery store from bread to yogurt to pasta sauces.
The reason they did this was simple: the sweeter something is the harder it is to stop eating. That’s because our appetite is controlled by two distinct parts of our brains which some neuroscientists call the go brain and the stop brain. The go brain encourages us to eat whereas the stop brain kicks in when we’ve had enough. But the processed food industry has come up with a way to override this delicate system. It’s called the bliss point and it describes the exact