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2021-11-05 06:40:03 The Enneagram at Work
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ing self-aware and calm; their bad self on the other hand will be exasperated dramatic and withdrawn. 
We all possess an inner observer. During a tense moment practice tuning into this impartial set of eyes to identify when you’re slipping into your bad self – and shift course in real time. This will diffuse conflict and improve your leadership game.
Just as it can help you express your best self the Enneagram can help bring out the best in collaborative teams. The key to effective fun teamwork is learning to acknowledge another’s point of view voicing your own and then solving the obstacle together. 
There are three Enneagram subtypes or instincts that can help you gain a more nuanced understanding of others’ positions: self-preservation – which entails a sense of security; social – wanting to belong within a group; and one-to-one needs like partner intimacy or close friendships. We each naturally gravitate toward one of the three.
Have you ever immediately clicked with someone? T
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2021-11-05 06:40:03 The Enneagram at Work
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ngle largest source of conflict? Differences in pattern expression resulting in miscommunication and misunderstandings.
Before attempting to mediate others you need to comprehend how you’re self-managing. And this starts with taking a detached look at your own behavior patterns.
The key message here is: Diffuse conflict and foster collaboration by recognizing and releasing your patterns.
There’s a series of paintings by George Rodrigue called Blue Dog. The images depict his deceased dog Tiffany who’s traveling through space and time to find her owner. In a smaller series the same dog isn’t blue but red. According to Rodrigue this is when Tiffany is “being her bad self.” 
Like Tiffany each of us also has a good and bad self. Different personality types instinctually manage discord in various ways – but regardless of the approach there is a higher and lower expression for each type. For example in a stressful situation a Type Four (Intense Creative) will express their good self as be
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2021-11-05 06:40:02 The Enneagram at Work
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r the better. After an initial period of shock sadness and rumination over a chocolate milkshake he put in his earbuds turned on the Hercules soundtrack and stepped into his future as an Enneagram consultant. 
To fail “well ” he committed to breaking free from his own Type Six (Loyal Skeptic) patterns by embracing the strengths of every Enneagram type. For example he thought How would a Type Three (Competitive Achiever) prepare for his week? He’d make a list of things to do! 
Each of the nine types provides tools you can take advantage of. Trying on a different type even for a short while can help you rise from the ashes and reorient yourself.
Diffuse conflict and foster collaboration by recognizing and releasing your patterns.
Conflict happens daily – and it can derail even the most well-intentioned leaders. It has infinite potential causes including contrasting value systems differing competitiveness levels and mismatched opinions over the quality of a deliverable. But the si
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2021-11-05 06:40:02 The Enneagram at Work
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which transformed the young wizards’ worst nightmares – like a giant spider – into humorous forms – like that spider on roller skates. First identify your fear. Then direct your attention to the issue and quietly say “Riddikulus” until you’ve cracked a smile.
Failure is another big fear. But let’s compare breaking your leg in a skiing accident to getting fired or missing a promotion. With one you go to the hospital get a cast and take time to heal. With the other you beat yourself up go into denial or act out in rage. How does that make any sense? 
When you fail which is in itself a subjective term rejuvenation should be your priority. The best way to fire up this process is by tapping into your three centers of intelligence: practice compassion in your Heart Brain use your Head Brain to rationally contemplate what happened and gear up your Gut Brain to move forward. 
The day McPartlin got fired from his position as a hotel general manager forever changed the course of his life – fo
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2021-11-05 06:40:01 The Enneagram at Work
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er Enneagram types to manage fear and failure.
Facing fear is something we all go through in life – and public speaking tops the list of anxieties for many people. But as a leader having to regularly address an audience is inevitable – whether it’s five people or 500. You could continue to lose sleep over it. Or you could use the Enneagram to work through your fears and successfully command a room.
Let’s take a Type One (Strict Perfectionist). Their core fear of public speaking is feeling imperfect – so a useful tool before giving a presentation is practice. Laughing with Type Ones can also be great for both the speaker and audience. In fact humor in general is a great way to manage tough situations improve morale and boost productivity.
The key message here is: Tap into humor self-awareness and other Enneagram types to manage fear and failure.
Our fears often have a way of taking on a larger aura of menace. To pop that balloon take a cue from the Harry Potter spell “Riddikulus ”
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2021-11-05 06:39:58 The Enneagram at Work
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Maybe it’s because the subway was delayed. However I’m feeling frustrated. I need to know what it’ll take for you to be on time.”
Being able to give and receive mentorship a more involved version of feedback is also entwined with good leadership. According to McPartlin mentoring is the noblest thing you can do as a leader. Why? Not only does it reap you good karma ensure organizational cohesion and bring satisfaction – it also strengthens your core. In mentoring another person you have to focus on and hone your own three centers of intelligence.
If neither you nor your mentee has a lot of Enneagram experience read up on it take an online test or attend a class together. You might not fully understand their Enneagram type at first – and be careful not to box them in. But your mutual awareness of each other’s type will lay the foundation for productive conversations that in turn will result in a more authentic and fruitful working relationship.
Tap into humor self-awareness and oth
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2021-11-05 06:39:57 The Enneagram at Work
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rself and objectively respond to any situation rather than having a subconscious emotional outburst.
The key message here is: Being able to give – and receive – feedback and mentorship is a hallmark of great leadership.
First observe the behavior you wish to address. This should be stated as a straightforward fact the way you’d observe it was raining: “John I noticed you were late today.”
Second interpret . In any situation but especially as a leader it’s crucial to give the person the benefit of the doubt: “John I noticed you were late today. Maybe it’s because the subway was delayed?”
Third feel. We all process anxiety differently but try to be as direct as possible while still being sensitive to the other person. “John I noticed you were late today. Maybe it’s because the subway was delayed. However I’m feeling frustrated.” 
Fourth need. That is tell the other person what you need – taking care to keep the inflection of your voice in check: “John I noticed you were late today.
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2021-11-05 06:39:57 The Enneagram at Work
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telligence. Ask yourself What do I think? How do I feel? What can I do? If you’re alone touch your temples heart and belly as you ask these questions; if not imagine these motions. Which centers are the most expressed? Which are least expressed? Take a cleansing breath and lean into the center that’s being neglected. 
Along with a daily meditation practice pausing throughout your day – especially during moments of stress – will allow you to cut through your autopilot reflexes and rebalance yourself. 
Being able to give – and receive – feedback and mentorship is a hallmark of great leadership.
Criticizing others. With the exception of maybe a Type Three (Competitive Achiever) or Type Eight (The Boss) most people don’t really enjoy it. But as you’ve most likely experienced delivering and receiving feedback is a part of life – especially as a leader.
A four-step feedback model can help activate your core and make giving and receiving feedback less scary. With it you can ground you
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2021-11-05 06:39:56 The Enneagram at Work
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90th birthday. He saw her that night laughing and talking with guests while balancing a martini in one hand and her walker in the other. To him she appeared to be in total harmony. This equilibrium seemed to have permeated her life as well. All three centers of intelligence were balanced – in her kitchen operations (action) her endless curiosity (mind) and her love of a fine meal (emotion).
We’re not all yet at Julia Child’s level – most of us need to work to achieve balance. Each Enneagram type naturally relates to a certain center of intelligence. To find yours ask yourself How do these three expressions of personality play into my life? Which one do I lean on the most? Which do I often ignore?
Learning to balance your three centers of intelligence is the first step toward core activation – being able to operate consciously and access your best self. You can do this through an exercise McPartlin calls The Pause . 
Subtly stop whatever you’re doing and tune in to your centers of in
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2021-11-05 06:39:56 The Enneagram at Work
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lance your three centers of intelligence to activate your core and access your best self.
Within the Enneagram circle of worldviews lies a triangle. This triangle represents the three centers of intelligence – logic (head) action (gut) and emotion (heart). All nine personality types stem from this triangle. Those with personality types in the action triad rely on their instincts while those in the logic triad experience the world in a mindful way. Emotion types perceive the world through feelings.
You might associate the brain with logic but in effect we have action and emotion “brains” too – and they’re just as powerful. When they’re functioning at their best our head brain makes us observant and creative; our gut brain makes us feel alive and grounded; and our heart brain makes us authentic and receptive.
The key message here is: Balance your three centers of intelligence to activate your core and access your best self.
McPartlin met Julia Child at an event held in honor of her
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