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Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) will begin Generating 7 | Business Info ETH

Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) will begin Generating 700 MW Electricity by 2022

The commencement of long-awaited mega-dam producing 700 MW electricity after one month is expected to boost the country’s installed power generating capacity by 14%.

Nearing completion on the Abay river, the $4 billion GERD is self-financed by Ethiopians with crowd funding through raising in the form of selling bond and employees contributions a portion of their incomes, will generate 5150 MW hydropower at full capacity to relieve country’s severe energy shortage.

Currently, Ethiopia has a total installed power generating capacity of about 4,967 MW. And, only about 45% of the country population has access to electricity and the figure drops to 32% in rural areas of the country.

Once completed GERD will be the largest dam in Africa with a total volume of 10.4 million cubic meters for renewable energy.
