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IIM-C, Bengaluru, Panel-6 10/12/Grad: 10/97.9/78.7 GEM, Mechan | MBA PERSONAL INTERVIEWS

IIM-C, Bengaluru, Panel-6
10/12/Grad: 10/97.9/78.7
GEM, Mechanical, IIT-B
(7 months workex, UPSC prep 3 yrs)
OA: 99.89

WAT: Crimes against women are increasing. What stringent measures must be taken by Police and Legal system to prevent such crimes.

2M, 1F
F: You have graduated from IIT-B and are working in Goa right now?

F: Okay you were preparing for Civil Service, How was your performance?

F:  Oh you cleared prelims every time but got stuck in Mains, What was your Optional?

F: Do you think it was because of that? I see Engineers taking up Anthropology - I think they are gaming the system

F: Okay, since you are interested in foreign service, Read this title and tell who is it referring to
(Gave some headline regarding China from The Economist - I said no idea,
she said I can understand even we don't have any idea - both names are Lee)

F: Let me ask about Xi, how has he been for China? Please tell your opinion - no need to do any analysis based on principles

F: He even got re-elected recently right? What does that portray for future of China?

F: What about his Covid Policies?

M1: Okay, you have taken Industrial Engineering Operations research courses? Do you remember some topics?

M1: Oh, you worked in R&D? What were you working on?

M1: How do you measure variation?

M1: How do you calculate Std deviation? Say for 10 observations

M1: why 10-1 in denominator?

M1: Okay, if I say that it those observations are exhaustive then?

M2: What was the product? What was the customer requirement?

M2: Why you are interested toward Foreign Service?

F: Apologies, I am taking a completely different track now, you studied in IIT-B, relating to the recent case there, what do you think about the campus culture there? Again I am not casting aspersions on you, I just wanted to know what you think about all this?

F: Any suggestions to improve this condition
(Told both short and long term and told we mustn't extend short term fixes to long term because situation will again perpetuate creating stereotypes)

F: Okay, there are so many creative ideas that IITs are generating, why do you think many of them are not seeing light?

F: How did China deal with this back in the day, they too were in a similar situation to us.

M2: you are saying they didn't have enough enterpreneurs?

F: No, he's saying there was favorable climate for investment

F: Okay, what is your plan B now? I assume you aren't too keen to pursue Civil service after 3 attempts. I understand that you have given your best both here and there, I just want to know if you have a plan B

F: Okay, sounds good.
(Asked if other had more questions - No)

F: You have any questions for us? No, okay, take a toffee.