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While the country is distracted by ten different calamities, J | Charlie Kirk

While the country is distracted by ten different calamities, Joe Biden has rolled out new Title IX rules to enshrine "gender identity" as a protected status and roll back due process rights for students on campus.

Translation: He wants boys in girls' showers and locker rooms to be mandatory, nationwide, and deranged men who dress up like girls must be allowed to abuse real women and girls on the playing field.

And then, just as a bonus, he's also reviving Obama's kangaroo courts for men accused of misconduct on campus. We already how this ends: Hundreds of men who did nothing wrong being suspended, expelled, and tainted for life because of a bad breakup or literally nothing at all.

The Democrat Party hates women, hates young men, hates due process, hates fairness, and hates you.