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1/2 When will the Utopia begin ? When is the Utopia to be est | David Icke

1/2 When will the Utopia begin ?

When is the Utopia to be established? Do the Zionist planners expect
to bring about the commercial and political fulfillment of their interpreta-tion of the Prophecies, what they call God's promises to the Jews, in our
lifetime? What is the timetable of these peace lovers for bringing about
the final war?

We find many partial answers in The Jewish Utopia, many milestones
by which we can at least hazard some guesses.

Obviously the setting up of a Jewish state in Palestine was a mile-
stone. The Zionists did that in 1948—without God but with the help of
Harry Truman and the Soviet Union.

Israel is being developed and beautified (with foreign capital of
course). The papers in August, 1957, announced plans for building a
$500,000,000 port at Ashdod. The will of one of the British Rothschilds
leaves fabulous millions to help erect and beautify a capitol building and
perhaps museums and the like. Plans are proceeding for development of
irrigation. Israel is developing some atomic plants, "for peaceful uses" of
course, and some other industry—with secrets taken quite openly from
American industry and laboratories, as for instance, through the information-gathering agency (normally called an espionage net) known as Technion, which operates in universities and industrial establishments.

The United Nations has been established, and the Congress of the
United States officially authorized the flying of the United Nations flag
above Old Glory on the UN Building. (You or I would be held guilty of
treason—and rightly so—if we flew a flag above our flag.) Thus begins,
and grows, the nucleus for the world police force, and the UN is purely a
Jewish invention.

Higger says:

"The nations will first unite for the purpose of calling upon the name
of the Lord, to serve Him."

If the UN is to have a religious aspect, as here stated, its inventors
intended the religion to be Jewish—and could that be the reason why re-
ligion has been conspicuously kept out of the UN so far, leaving the way

The East-West division of the world is nearly complete; the Moslem
world of some 300,000,000 people has largely been shifted away from us
toward the Communist camp. The Zionist Jews have done a clever job

in this maneuver, taking land away from the Arabs, bayoneting their women and children, thus making the whole Moslem world (with the possible
exception of Pakistan) so hate us for backing the Jews that the Moslems
may at last accept arms from and cooperate with the Soviet Union.

We might well say that this milestone has been erected, for it now
awaits only an incident to set off Armageddon. Israel can attack Egypt
and possibly set off the war. Or the Jews who dominate, or vastly influence,
the Soviet dictatorship from within, through the hidden, secret power circle called the Communist Security System, perhaps can order or induce the
Communist government to attack, or cause some Arab country to attack,
Israel—whenever the Jewish strategists are ready. They will not do so
till they are sure the Zionists in the West can induce the President of the
United States and the British government to support Israel, we can be sure.
Whatever the gentile Communists may want, it is logical that the Jewish
Communists will not want war with the West till the West can safely be
sucked in to fight the Arabs for the Zionists.