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2/2 When will the Utopia begin ? Comparing plans and objectiv | David Icke

2/2 When will the Utopia begin ?

Comparing plans and objectives revealed in The Jewish Utopia with
the present world situation we can arrive at a rather clear picture of the
future war and even see which countries are to be wiped out as wicked
and unrighteous—if the Zionist plans succeed. We can at least see what
the Zionists are trying to bring to pass. Since Israel must expand and since
it can expand only at the expense of H
the Arabs, the Israelitic group must
destroy the Arab states. Already the Arabs and their Moslem sympathizers
are vilified in the Jewish press, and in planted stories in the general press,
as "anti-Semitic" (though the Arabs themselves are Semites). The Moslems
are wicked and unrighteous (though all they have done to become unrighteous is to oppose the Jewish invasion of their lands).

But now the Communist Empire is supplying arms to some of the
Arab states, and, though certain Jewish nationalists, or Zionists, originated
Communism and imposed it on the Russians and Eastern Europeans, and
though some Jews still occupy powerful positions behind the iron curtain,
it seems certain that at the proper time, the Zionists in the West will launch
a campaign of abuse and fury against the Soviet Union (not against Com-
munism as such) as anti-Semitic and ungodly! How else could the Zionists
bring about a mighty war in the Middle East? And without the war, how
could they get the Arab lands? And how else could they bring about fur-
ther disintegration of the non-Jewish nations and races? Without a frightful
crisis how can they and their "liberal" tools stampede us into surrendering
our freedom?

The Russian people, the Ukrainians and the overwhelming majority of
Eastern Europeans are anti-Semitic (in the sense that they resent the bloody
Jewish-inspired terror which gripped them under the Communist regime).
But the Communist governments on the other hand, have been overwhelm-
ingly Jewish or pro-Jewish, so much so that all of these Red governments
incorporated in their constitutions specific prohibitions against "anti-Semitism", the only countries in the world which singled out the Jews
for this special favor.

To get the full benefit of the next world war, however, the strategists will have to raise the cry of official Soviet anti-Semitism, just as they did
in the second world war against the Nazis. Our sons must fight to save the
persecuted Jew, and thus make every American or Englishman afraid to
criticize any Jewish individual or machine, however subversive, for fear he
will be smeared as pro-Communist! It is a fact that any American today
who could remotely be called anti-Semitic is anti-Communist; but no matter;
the Zionist press in the West is so powerful, the newspaper publishers so
fearful of losing Jewish department store and other advertising, and elected
officials so cowed by any thought of being called anti-Semitic, that when
some patriot is smeared in the propaganda releases as anti-Semitic hardly
anybody has the character to stand up for him. The silly little scare word
anti-Semite has made us a generation of cowards; this one little word is
conquering the world.