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Logo of telegram channel dday1978 — Daniëlle
Channel address: @dday1978
Categories: Esoterics
Language: English
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The Great Awakening

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2021-12-23 11:54:19
6.9K viewsDanielle Stotijn, 08:54
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2021-12-23 11:54:12
7.0K viewsDanielle Stotijn, 08:54
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2021-12-23 02:10:54
1.9K viewsDanielle Stotijn, 23:10
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2021-12-23 01:24:30

2.7K viewsDanielle Stotijn, 22:24
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2021-12-22 21:15:24
6.0K viewsDanielle Stotijn, 18:15
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2021-12-22 15:39:56 Hoe ontmantel je de matrix?
Denk aan de leylijnen van het aardraster.
In de oudheid, zoals Lemurisch en Egytisch, werden deze rasters gebruikt om helende magnetische velden te creëren via tempels.
Oude technologie die toen algemeen bekend was, werd gebruikt in combinatie met astrologie en numerologie onder universele wetten. Stonehedge, Macha pichu en de andere aardchakra, ze zijn er allemaal nog. Maar we zijn vergeten hoe we ze moeten gebruiken.
De leylijnen werden eeuwen geleden gehackt. Door de vrijmetselaars en satanische elite via de katholieke kerken, paleizen en regeringsgebouwen.
Mason-technologie die ooit werd gebruikt om de frequentie van het aardraster te veranderen in het veld van mensen die in dat gebied leefde afhankelijk te maken door hen in lage frequentie te laten leven.
Deze technologie werd misbruikt om de 3D-matrix rond deze planeet te creëren.
Met gebouwen op het raster en later satellieten in de lucht werd een laagfrequent veld gecreëerd.
Een veld dat het menselijke veld dat ermee verbonden is, verstoort en beïnvloedt.
Kijk maar:

Een trillingsveld dat je vasthoudt in de lus van reïncarnatie in angst, schaamte, schuld en pijn. Afhankelijk van externe systemen zoals religie, overheid, onderwijs, farmaceutica en amusement. Dezelfde systemen die je de lage vibratie van angst, schaamte en schuldgevoel geven.
Via manipulatie van het lichaam en de geest waren we gevangenen die de illusie van het vrije leven leefden.
Stom als schapen die een 9-5 lineair leven leiden.
Onbewust van ons ware goddelijke hoogontwikkelde spirituele zelf.
Als we ons aardraster terug krijgen.
Zal onze frequentie op deze planeet nog sneller stijgen.
We zullen het donker transmuteren en opstijgen van donker naar licht.
We zullen evolueren als mensen.
We kunnen oude technologie weer re-integreren met onze aangeboren kwantumcapaciteiten om deze planeet tot de hemel op aarde te laten bloeien.
Hoe ontmantel je de matrix?
Denk aan gebouwen en satellieten ..
8.2K viewsDanielle Stotijn, 12:39
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2021-12-22 15:35:58
4.6K viewsDanielle Stotijn, 12:35
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2021-12-22 15:35:51 How do you dismantle the matrix?

Think of the earth grid ley lines.
Back in ancient times like Lemurian and Egytian, these grides where used to create healing magnetic fields via temples.

Ancient technology that was common knowledge back then used in combination with astrology and numerology under universal laws. Stonehedge, Macha pichu and the other eart chakra,s all still there. But we forgot how to use them.

The ley lines were hacked centuries a go. By the masonic ans satanic elite via the catholic churches, palaces and government buildings.
Mason technology that was once used to alter the frequency of the earth grid into the field of humans on that area, then turned dark and evil.

This technology was abused to create the 3D matrix around this planet.
With buildings on the grid and later satellites in the sky a low frequency field was created.
A field that interferes and effects the human field connected to it.


A field of vibration that keeps you stuck in the loop of reincarnation in fear, shame, guilt and pain. Dependend on outside systems like religion, government, education, pharmaceutical and entertainment. The same systems that feed you the low vibration of fear, shame, guilt.

Via Mind Body and Spirit manipulation we were prisoners living the free life illusion.
Dumb down like sheep living a 9-5 linear life.
Unaware of our true divine highly evolved spiritual self.

If we get our earth grid back.
Our frequency on the planet rises.
We can transmute and ascend from dark to light.
We can evolve as human beings.
We can reintegrate ancient technology with inate quantum abilities to prosper this planet to heaven on earth.

How do you dismantle the matrix?
Think of buildings and satellites....

4.5K viewsDanielle Stotijn, 12:35
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2021-12-22 15:32:14 Dead sea scrolls contained human super powers

Could there be a lost science that allows us to transcend the visions of war, disease and the greatest tragedies ever to face humankind?

Is it possible that somewhere in the mists of our ancient memory an event occurred that has left a gap in our understanding of how we relate to our world and one another?

Twenty-five-hundred-year-old texts, as well as modern science, suggest that the answer to these and similar questions is a resounding yes!

Additionally, in the languages of their times, those who have come before us remind us of two empowering technologies with direct relevance to our lives today.

The first is the science of prophecy, that allows us to witness future consequences of choices that we make in the present.
The second is the sophisticated technology of prayer, that allows us to choose which future prophecy we live.

The secrets to our lost sciences appear to have been shared openly by societies and traditions of our past. The last vestiges of this empowering wisdom were lost to western traditions with the disappearance of rare texts referencing them in the fourth century.

Through the eyes of modern science recent translations of texts such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Nag Hammadi Library and Gnostic manuscripts discovered in Egypt have shed new light and opened the doors to possibilities hinted at in ancient folklore and fairy tales.

Only now, nearly two millennia after they were written, are we able to authenticate the power of a force that lives within us, a very real power with the ability to end suffering and bring a lasting peace to our world.

The visions of the Old Testament prophet Isaiah, for example, were recorded over five hundred years before the time of Christ. The only manuscript discovered intact among the Dead Sea Scrolls, in 1946, the entire Isaiah scroll is unrolled and mounted upon a vertical cylinder displayed in Israel at the Shrine of the Book Museum in Jerusalem. Considered to be irreplaceable, the exhibit is designed to retract into a vault covered by steel doors to preserve the scroll for future generations in the event of nuclear attack.

A new study revealed that our DNA changes depending on the vibration we generate. Emotions such as hate, greediness and other negative feelings damage our DNA resulting in illness.

Apparently, the Church has always been aware of this and has kept it hidden for centuries. It was not until 1946 when a peasant discovered tends of scrolls in the caves of Qumran. Among those scrolls, it was the Book of Isaia, which teaches us the prayers to change our own reality.

Author Greg Braden

4.1K viewsDanielle Stotijn, 12:32
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2021-12-22 15:31:23
34.8K viewsDanielle Stotijn, 12:31
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