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So you want to score a band 8 on IELTS Writing? Many IELTS te | IELTS Essays Band 9 | IELTS Writing 9.0

So you want to score a band 8 on IELTS Writing?

Many IELTS test-takers spend a lot of time training to write top-notch essays. To achieve a desired score, they stuff their essays with uncommon vocabulary, overuse complicated grammar or write too many words. But are these means really necessary? The answer is NO.

There are a lot of much simpler writings that score 8.0 and higher! This is because you don’t need any special knowledge: the examiner will assess your writing, not your thoughts. Even simple but accurately expressed ideas score better than too complicated ones. To succeed in IELTS Writing, you need to

- be accurate
- write simple things well

Ridiculously, even well trained candidates often lose points on IELTS Writing because of making simple mistakes: from going off topic to writing too many words.

We’ve gathered top 10 IELTS Writing tips that will help you score band 8+ on IELTS Writing:

. Read the question

Understanding what the question asks you to do is crucial for achieving a good score. That's why, always read your question thoroughly and cover all the points you're asked to write about.

. Read what you have written

Go back and read the paragraph you have just written before you start the next one. You may think that this is a waste of time. If so, you’d be wrong. It’s important to link your paragraphs together – what easier way to do that than just read what you have written?

. Be clear

The practical advice here is to select your best idea and write about that. That means not writing everything you know – leave some ideas out. Don’t worry if it is not your best explanation, worry about whether it is your clearest explanation.

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