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Hetty Green and her financial witchery Henrietta Green was | fbsonlinetrading

Hetty Green and her financial witchery

Henrietta Green was an American stock operator in the late 19th century and the early 1900s. Her business grit and the ability to make millions were outstanding.

Born into a rich family, Hetty was introduced to finance very early. Her grandfather and father taught her much about how to make money effectively. And so she did ever after.

Green went on to become one of Wall Street’s most severe operators. She had extensive holdings in railroad and other stocks, as well as in government bonds. Plus, she had a considerable liquid fund for lending purposes, also investing in mortgages and real estate.

After the infamous 1907 panic. Hetty got a few major investors as her debtors, which solidified her grim and feared image as the witch of Wall Street.

Despite being the richest woman in the US, Betty was remarkably miserly to the extent that this trait of hers became the talk of the town.

When Hetty Green died in 1916, her total net worth exceeded $100 million