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How to deal with anxiety in this pandemic? Please do not misu | FitRichSane

How to deal with anxiety in this pandemic?

Please do not misunderstand this to be medical advice

No single method will work for everyone. Try to follow as many as possible

*Slow breathing is one of the best ways to lower stress, because it signals to your brain to relax your body. YouTube "slow breathing", and follow along. I can also recommend the free meditation course by Tara Brach for beginners.

*Call/ video call anyone and everyone you can. As social animals, it is difficult for humans to stay away from society

*At least a few days a week, act like you are still going to office. Get up early, take a bath, eat proper meals, exercise or at least stretch your body.

*Do not watch the news. Watch cartoons

*Accept that times are difficult. Don't pressurise yourself to be too productive or too happy if it is proving difficult for you. When the situation improves, you will start feeling better.

*Do not be afraid to talk to a psychiatrist over a call. They have been trained for years to deal with these situations. I feel the world will be a much better place for many people if there was no taboo around taking help for mental health