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Benefits you can derive without spending a single minute or ru | FitRichSane

Benefits you can derive without spending a single minute or rupee

The human brain is an organ that improves through mental stimulation. If you don’t exercise your brain, it loses its knowledge.

Using your opposite hand will strengthen neural connections in your brain, and even grow new ones. It’s similar to how physical exercise improves your body’s functioning and grows muscles.

Today's tip:
Brush your teeth with your other hand. You’ll probably notice it’s much harder to be precise with your movements.

For example, if you’re right-handed, the right-hand side of the brain, is worked less than the left. As the right-hand side also controls things like problem-solving and creativity, it would be clearly beneficial to get used to activating and working this side more! As it is effectively like learning a new skill, using the “wrong” hand regularly will make new connections and work both sides of the brain, improving its function and performance.

Doing tasks with the opposite hand, such as brushing your teeth, can be an easy and low-pressure way to practice the challenge of starting new habits.

Best case: Your brain gets stronger, and you become smarter
Worst case: You feel much much, fresher after brushing your teeth.