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​​The time of snow, christmas trees and gingerbread has come | FLEX Alumni Ukraine

​​The time of snow, christmas trees and gingerbread has come

We have already had a series of Christmas workshops, where we created Christmas cards and decorated a gingerbread house. And now we are inviting you to take part in our online Christmas celebration on Saturday 25th at 6 p.m.

During the celebration we will have different activities including creating recycled Christmas decorations out of things you probably already have at home, Christmas team games and fun discussions. Just bring what you think you could use for this with you. If you have kids or little brothers and sisters - offer them to participate too. It is a great opportunity to visually show them that things can be reused.

Last but not least, we are organising a fundraiser for one of the local shelters. More information about it will be sent to you in Telegram group.
Hope to see you this Saturday!