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​​ Phrases for correcting yourself Gapirayotib o'z xatoyingiz | IELTS Council | IELTS™

​​ Phrases for correcting yourself
Gapirayotib o'z xatoyingizni to'g'irlab ketish yo'llari

- I went to the chicken... I mean 'kitchen'

- I couldn’t find my purse…I mean ‘wallet’.

- I missed the train…or rather, the train was cancelled.

- I got a job in advertising…Well, actually, I got a job doing photocopying in a successful ad agency.

- I met one of my idols, or should I say, I waved at him from about ten meters away.

- I got deported or, to put it more precisely / to be more precise, I got kicked out of the country because of an
admin error.

- Money causes unhappiness. Well, it would be truer to say that people’s attitude towards money causes unhappiness.

- I don’t mean people are all bad. What I’m trying to say is that they can become aggressive if they feel threatened.

- I didn’t mean that English was easy. What I meant to say was that, compared with Korean, it isn’t so difficult.

- I’m not being critical of the government. The point I’m trying to make is that those in power are not in the best position to make decisions.

- Don’t get me wrong! I don’t think that all criminals are to blame for their crimes.

- Don’t misunderstand me! I don’t think men are cleverer than women. That’s not at all what I wanted to say.


- Let me try and explain that another way: If people feel that nobody is listening to them, they might start to get angry.

- Let me put it another way: Celebrities can do more or less what they want, but the rest of us can’t.

- Perhaps I can put that a bit more clearly: people hate being told what to do.

- To rephrase what I have just said: people want to feel respected.

- Celebrities should be told how important they are…on second thoughts
, that’s probably a terrible idea. it would just make them more arrogant.
