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✞ Dr C 17 ✞

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2021-07-31 18:42:21

Listen !
16.4K viewsIET, edited  15:42
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2021-07-31 18:32:19
Good question

Two things here.

1. An atheist is only one thing. The root of the word is “a” (without) “theist” (the belief in a supreme being/creator). So an atheist doesn’t believe there is a higher power or God/Jesus. Unironically- atheists tend to only attack Christians and not Satanists then fail to see the hypocrisy but that’s beside the point

2. Religion is an organization of like minded believers. It’s man made. Satanists have infiltrated every religion and seek to corrupt and disrupt it. Not believing in Roman Catholicism isn’t being an atheist it’s using your noggin and thinking for yourself. Believing in God/Jesus doesn’t require you to be a member of a church (physical property) or organization of believers on paper.

Believing in God and Jesus is about having a personal relationship with Them through prayer and your actions. That’s it.
14.6K viewsIET, edited  15:32
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2021-07-31 16:03:13 Woke up this morning and to my surprise I found this sweet brand new car in my driveway. It is BEAUTIFULLY made! So since I was hoping it was maybe mine I attempted to open the door to which it said “hello IET” as I placed my hand on the door handle. The door opened automatically and I got in. Since the seats were a little too small I was slightly disappointed but then all of a sudden the seats started shape shifting and they then conformed to me and felt amazing to sit on. It proceeded to even match the steering wheel to my Arm length without even pushing a button. The car the started speaking and said “i detect your body temperature is 98.9 degrees and i am adjusting the AC to slightly cool you down Mr IET.” Amazing. It even controls the temperature to match me and make sure I don’t overheat! “Are you ready to go, Mr IET,” the car asked me- “Yes I am” and then the car just started up! “Would you like to autopilot to your destination or would you like to drive yourself,” the car asked. “I’d like To drive myself DEFINITELY,” I said in return . I couldn’t wait to drive this thing. As I’m pulling out of my driveway I immediately run over a nail and the front left tire goes flat . NOOOOOOO. As I get out of the car to check it out I notice the the tire moves around a little bit, grows more tire over the hole I just made, and starts inflating it all by itself. Unbelievable!!!!! So i got back in the car and decided perhaps I should show this to my wife before I take off. So I park it back in the driveway and go inside to tell my wife to come look. As we come outside to look at it , and I’m telling her all about what just happened, she’s in pure shock. She says - “how come you get one and I don’t”. Then all of a sudden the car starts to split into two and BOOM. Now there are two cars that look just like one another. She fainted. After I woke her up and asked if she was ok, she was, we both talked about how completely unbelievable it was what we just witnessed.

How many of you believe this story ?

How many of you would want a car like this: A self-modifying, self-programming, self-diagnostic, self-repairing, and self- reproducing car ??

How many of you would believe me if I told you that this car came in to existence because a bunch of atoms ran in to one another and voila ?

This is what they teach our kids about how LIFE came about in school and demand they believe.

20.7K viewsIET, edited  13:03
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2021-07-30 22:30:38 Pause for the cause: do you think it’s a coincidence that the Middle East Peace Deals coordinated by Trump (and Kushner) were called the Abraham Accords?


Do you think it’s a coincidence that they found a Davidic dynasty symbol in Jerusalem: “Once in a lifetime discovery” in September 2020? (Note where Jerusalem is and who moved the US embassy there) (King David is in the true covenant bloodline)


This is just tip of the iceberg stuff compared to some of the other “coincidences” that I won’t mention yet.

I’m glad you guys are as eager as I am to learn and follow Jesus Christ.

Very important, IMO.

We have so much more to learn.
We are just getting started.
I’ll share these “coincidences” as they become more relevant with what we read in the Bible.
Mind Blowing stuff.
21.5K viewsIET, 19:30
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2021-07-30 21:48:43 Chapter 17 Summary: 13 years later (there’s that number again, remember it was 13 years before the Canaanite people revolted and refused tribute to the land owners but God upheld his punishment of them and they were unsuccessful, dying in the process of their little hissy fit). ….13 years later God comes back to Abram, and despite already fulfilling his promise with Abram on a son (Ishmael is 13 years old), God wants to recommit his covenant. So Abram, now 99 years old, sees God again for the first time in 13 years, and Abram takes his old body and throws his face on the floor, submitting to the will of God AGAIN (which is interesting when considering how some people also pray/worship God, but we’ll get into that later).

God’s Covenant:
1.     I am God Almighty, Walk Before me and be Perfect/Blameless
2.     I will establish my covenant between Me and you, and I will multiply you exceedingly fruitful and I will make nations of you, and kings will come forth from you
3.     Your name will no longer be Abram but Abraham because I have made you a father of a multitude of nations
4.     I will establish My covenant between you and your descendants after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and your descendants after you.
5.     I will give to you and your descendants after you, all the land of your travelling, and all the land of Canaan (reminder of where this land is now), for an everlasting possession, and I will be their God
WOW.  This is a pretty epic promise and All Abraham has to do is continue doing what he has been doing which is respect, follow, and be loyal to God and His word/desires of holiness in Man.
Wait a minute hold up, God isn’t done. …..
6.     Now as for you, you shall keep my covenant, you and your descendants after you, throughout their generations
7.     Every male among you shall be circumcised
8.     And You shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin and it shall be the sign of the covenant between Me and you
9.     And even every male servant among you who is eight days old shall also be circumcised throughout your generations, whether they were born into your house or they were bought from any foreigner who is not of your descendants

This is where I would have said ….” Uhhhhhhhh come again? You want me to do what?”
But Abraham doesn’t even flinch and God continues….
10.  As for your wife Sarai, you shall not call her Sarai anymore her name is Sarah
11.  I will Bless Sarah and I will give you a son by her THIS SEASON NEXT YEAR. Then she will be blessed by Me and she will be a mother of nations, kings of peoples will come from her (remember this line because she will only have ONE child, yet KINGS will come from her)

Then Abraham fell on his face and laughed, NOT at the cutting his hoohoo part, but at the fact that Sarah will bear a child at hers and his late age- He’s almost 100 and she’s 90.
Then Abraham asks: “what about Ishmael who lived before thee?” And God said “NO, but Sarah your wife will bear you a son, and you shall call his name Isaac, and I will establish My covenant with HIM for an everlasting covenant for his descendants after him.” (denied Ishmael and said Isaac is the one). “Ishmael will be taken care of and he will be very fruitful and have 12 princes and I will make him a great nation” (singular).
So without even blinking, Abraham agrees, gets up and takes his son Ishmael, and all the servants and descendants and circumcises ALL OF THEM.

>>>>Abraham REALLY trusts God.  BIGLY

NOTE: Now we have TWO heirs.

But only ISAAC gets God’s covenant passed to him.

Ishmael has got to be . Not only does he miss out on God’s covenant and gets the short end of the stick compared to his younger future half brother but he has to be circumcised at 13 too? Huh
18.8K viewsIET, edited  18:48
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2021-07-30 19:57:39 Chapter 16: Well apparently Abram and his wife Sarai were decently old (late 80’s) and didn’t think they would ever have children so for God to promise them kids was laughable (and we will see later that they indeed laugh at this notion). But nonetheless Abram is loyal to God and believes He will deliver for them. So they are trying and trying to conceive but it just isn’t working (Side note: everything in God’s time; not yours) so Sarai gets pissy, but since shes a dutiful wife she says “why don’t you just take my Egyptian maid Hagar, I insist you must have a child and since I can’t deliver like God said then at least have one with her”. Abram obliges (should’ve known better than to listen to that advice-kek) and He and Hagar conceive-here we go

Sarai is now super jealous and catty with Hagar, and Hagar, who thinks she is a better woman than Sarai, more favored by God, and now likely more loved by Abram she insults her back by bragging about the land and the promise coming “AT least I can carry an heir for Abram” WOWOWOWOW. Facepalm.

Now Abram is stuck in the middle between God’s Promise and these two women, one his wife, and the other a maiden who carries his first child. Sarai demands that this woman be kicked out, and Abram says “its up to you, my wife, whatever you want. Sarai then goes on disparaging this maid-servant, making her work harder, insulting her along the way, to the point where this woman Hagar can no longer handle it and pridefully she flees, leaving her duties.

Whoopsy. NO worries tho- all will be corrected in the end. God doesn’t make mistakes, he adjusts and continues you on the path intended the entire time- you shall see.

An Angel then appeared to Hagar, checked her ego by calling her “Hagar, Sarai’s maid”… “where have you come from and where are you going?” Hagar was honest and fair in her own assessment of her actions and says to the angel that she has fled Sarai and her duties. The angel says in response “Return to Sarai and submit yourself to her authority. Humble thyself for what you have done amiss, beg for forgiveness, and resolve this for the future to better behave yourself”. (It doesn’t matter if you think you’re right or wrong- your contractual obligations and duties to the deals you make should be upheld; your word is your everything and your pride and ego mean nothing to God) The angel also says “Behold, thou art with child; and therefore this is not a fit place for thee to be in. Also, the Lord will greatly multiply your descendants so that they will be too many to count. The child you carry will be Abram’s son and you shall call him Ishmael. He will be a wild ass of a man and his hand will be against everyone’s hand and everyone’s hand will be against him. He will live east of all his brothers”

NOTE: This is the first heir to Abram: Ishmael and he will be a crazy ass, and he will live TO THE EAST of all his brothers (more sons of Abram and more brothers, sons from Hagar to come). The fact that this is the FIRST heir to Abram is setting the stage for what we see now as many wars in the Middle East over the land promised. However, we will find out that the promised bloodline will NOT come from Ishmael, however a younger brother’s bloodline will be chosen.
17.9K viewsIET, edited  16:57
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2021-07-30 19:11:23 But there is a catch first, God always seems to test the loyalty regardless of the reward, suffering first, then reward: “Know for certain that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, where they will be enslaved and oppressed four hundred years. But I will also judge the nation whom they will serve, and afterward they will come out with many possessions. To your descendants, I have given this land from the river of Egypt as far as the great river, the Euphrates” This is the land now occupied by the Kenite, Kenizzite, Kadmonite, Hittite, Perizzite, Rephaim, Amorite, Canaanite, Girgashite, and the Jebusite- EVIL wicked ones.


God loves to take the possessions of the evil wicked ones and give it to the righteous ones.
Reminds me of a certain Executive Order, doesn’t it?
17.3K viewsIET, 16:11
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2021-07-30 19:11:21
In chapter 15 God, who is very pleased with Abram, creates a solemn treaty between Him and Abram, “Do not fear, Abram, I am a shield to you; Your reward shall be exceedingly GREAT”, and promises Abram 2 things:
1. God says that he will give Abram all of the land of Canaan. See pic related
2. Abram says “but I don’t have a direct heir” (he has no kids of his own)
3. God then rebuttals with “You will have kids of your own, just watch”
17.3K viewsIET, 16:11
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2021-07-29 18:54:32
Meh. Let the haters also take a seat and observe. They need to be woken up to this too. I remember when we all met resistance to even talking about elite pedophilia. We are leveling up now.
17.8K viewsIET, 15:54
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2021-07-29 18:50:01 Secondly, let’s talk about WATER.

Water is a FASCINATING molecule.

And if I’m not mistaken the only, if not one of the very very very few (others might be elements and not molecules) molecules that when it freezes, or drops to its lowest energy state, that it becomes LESS DENSE AND FLOATS in its liquid, higher energy, state.

Because this happens, in a very special way due to the MAGNETIC Properties of oxygen and hydrogen creating a dipole moment where the whole molecule becomes polarized, it allows all life on earth to exist.

Think about it. If water acted like every other molecule when it froze and became MORE DENSE it would sink.

Thus when earth got cold enough all the oceans would freeze from the bottom up , since ice would sink, thus making the oceans more and more shallow, and life would cease to exist.

These simple differences in universal construct make All the difference between life and death

But good thing atheists have it all figured out and these things happened randomly as atoms just ran into one another - bc if hydrogen and oxygen reacted the same together as every other elements on earth - life would NOT exist.

Furthermore , due to surface tension AND water’s electromagnetic properties, someone like Jesus, who could likely control His own electromagnetic properties because He is the SON OF GOD, would then be able to walk on it.

It’s Science. AND. It’s Divine!
17.8K viewsIET, edited  15:50
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