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A message from the Glyph Journal: Agents, thank you so much f | Ingress Updates [ENG]

A message from the Glyph Journal:

Agents, thank you so much for your incredible participation. With your help, we could establishe a list of the new NL-1331 glyph sequences.

With 721 agents, participants almost quadrupled from last time, and with 31014 submissions, screenshots have tripled. Counting took over 5 hours due to manually checking every chat for invalid screenshots. Due to the massive amount of agents, there were two agents that hit the average, therefore an ADA'15 medal was added to the prize pool.

Contest stats:
Total submissions: 31014
Average: 43.075
Agents: 721

Top 3:
@Neokondor - 816
@PineapplePizzaMascot42 - 784
@MudoScp - 601

Nearest to the average:
@Hqahector - 43
@StarYara - 43

If you'd like to help the glyph journal with more submissions even after the contest ended, contact @InvestigateXM, or @Ishira so we can add you to the glyph journal room. We're always looking for more members to submit sequences!

You can check your standing here: bit.ly/GlyphJournalGlyphThePlanet