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On Being Human Willpower is what distinguishes humans from an | Human Nature

On Being Human

Willpower is what distinguishes humans from animals. It's the ability to control our impulses, resist temptation, and do what's right and good in the long run rather than what we want to do right now. It is, in fact, fundamental to civilisation. Humans have the ability to go against their instincts in order to achieve a better future. Unfortunately, many individuals follow the rule of "do it if it feels good, don't do it if it doesn't." In some ways, giving in to your temptations whenever you feel them arise is akin to losing your humanity. As a reasonable human being, you have the potential — and, might I say, the obligation — to make rational decisions rather than relying solely on your instincts.

Rather than submitting to your most primal (and least useful for your long-term goals) region of the brain, strive to be a better human and accept your humanity by using your "willpower muscle." Except in the case of a direct threat to your survival, your most fundamental instincts may bring brief solace, but they are rarely good in the long run.

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