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Learn English Language
ለማስታወቂያ ሥራ👇
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2023-09-22 08:40:34 Learn English በ WhatsApp መቷል ሁላቹህም እየገባቹህ follow አርጉን

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14.0K viewsBaruk, 05:40
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2023-09-18 12:19:42 Six ethics of life:

Before you speak - Listen
Before you spend - Earn
Before you quit - Try
Before you write - Think
Before you die - Live
Before you rest - Work

13.4K viewsBaruk, 09:19
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2023-08-27 07:00:29 WAYS TO SAY 'SHE IS PREGNANT'
አንዲት ሴት ነፍሰጡር(እርጉዝ) መሆኗን መናገር ስንፈልግ


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14.2K viewsBaruk, edited  04:00
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2023-07-05 19:59:52 Types of "mates"
   የጓደኝነት አይነቶች

Classmate የክፍል ጓደኛ

Playmate (childhood friend ) አብሮ አደግ

Roommate አንድ ክፍል ውስጥ አብሮን የሚኖር ጓደኛ

Teammate የቡድን ጓደኛ

Workmate የሥራ ባልደረባ

Travelmate የጉዞ ጓደኛ

Soulmate ???
ይችን እናንተ ሞክሯት እስኪ?? መልሳቹህን comment box ላይ አስቀምጡ
3.0K viewsBaruk, edited  16:59
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2023-07-05 08:25:38 The best movies to watch that can improve our English language skills during our vacation.
በእረፍት ጊዚያችን የእንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ ችሎታችንን ሊያዳብሩ የሚችሉ ማየት ያለብን ምርጥ ፊልሞች

. Forrest Gump
. The Shawshank Redemption
. The Godfather
. The social Network
. King's Speech
. The pursuit of happiness
. The Fault in our star

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6.0K viewsBaruk, edited  05:25
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2023-07-05 08:10:17 #Romantic_expressions
ስለ ፍቅር ምርጥ አገላለፅ

I love you so much
     በጣም አፈቅርሻለሁ

I love you forever
     እስከ ዘላለሙ እወድሻለሁ

I love you beyond measure
     መለካት/ማሰብ ከምችለው በላይ እወድሻለሁ

You are the love of my life
     የህይወቴ ፍቅር አንቺ ነሽ

I am crazy about you
      በጣም እወድሻለሁ/
      በፍቅርሽ ላብድ ነው

I love you more than anything
     ከምንም በላይ አፈቅርሻለሁ

I can't live with out you
     ካላንቺ መኖር አልችልም

You are in my blood
      ደሜ ውስጥ ነሽ

I love you more than I can say
      መናገር ከምችለው በላይ እወድሃለሁ

You are engraved in my heart
      ልቤ ውስጥ ታትመሻል

I am failing in love with you
     በፍቅርሽ ወድቂያለሁ

You are all in all to me
      አንቺ ለኔ ሁለመናዬ ነሽ

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5.3K viewsBaruk, 05:10
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2023-07-05 08:07:36
መርጌታ ያቆብ  የባህል መድህኒት   (0913313870)  በታች ተዘርዝረዋል
1አስማት እና ጥበብ ይፈልጋሉ
የምንሰጣቸው የጥበብ አገልግሎቶች ከዚህ ለመፍትሔ ስራይ
2 ለህማም
3 ጋኔን ለያዘው ሰው
4 ቡዳ ለበላው
5 ለቁራኛ
6 የዛር ውላጅ ለተዋረሰው
7 ነገረ ሚስጥራት(ሚስጥር የሚነግር)
8 ነገረ ራዕይ(ራዕይ የሚያሳይ)
9 ለዓቃቤ ርዕስ
10 ለመክስት
11 ለቀለም(ለትምህርት)
12 ሰላቢ የማያስጠጋ
13 ለመፍትሔ ሀብት
14 ለመስተፋቅር
15 ለሁሉ ሠናይ
16 ለገብያ
17 ለአምፅኦ ብእሲት(ፍቅረኛ ላጣ ወይም ላጣች የሚሰራ)
18 ለመድፍነ ፀር
19 ሌባ የማያስነካ
20 ለበረከት
21 ለከብት መስተሐድር(ከብት እንደረይጠፋ)
22 አፍዝዝ አደንግዝ
23 ለጠላት (ጠላት እንዳይጎዳ የሚያደርግ)
24 ለግርማ ሞገስ
25 መርበቡተ ሰለሞን
26 ለዓይነ ጥላ
27 ምስሐበ ንዋይ ወምስሐበ ሰብእ
28 ለሁሉ መስተፋቅር
29 ጸሎተ ዕለታት
30 ለታሰረ ሰው እነዲፈታ የሚያደርግ
31 ለእጅ ስራ (እንዲቀናህ)
32 ለትዳር የሚሆን የኮከብ ቆጠራ
33 ለድምፅ
34 ለብልት
አገልግሎት(ምናልባት ያለ ኮከባቸው
የተጋቡ ካሉ
አስማምቶ የሚያኖር መድሀኒት

ከምሰጣቸው በትንሹ ይህን ይመስላል
4.5K viewsBaruk, 05:07
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2023-07-04 17:21:18 ከዚህ ትምህርት በፊት part 1ንን ተመልከቱት
Simple Present

Use the simple present tense to make a generalization, to present a state of being, or to 
indicate a habitual or repeated action.

Active present simple ሲሆን የ passive form
Subject + am/is/are +V3 ይሆናል።

#Example 3
I make a cake. (active)
   A cake is made by me. (passive)

She delivers the letters. (active)
  The letters are delivered by her. (passive)

Present Continues

Use the present progressive to describe an ongoing activity or a temporary action.
በ present continues  ጊዜ ቀጣይነት ያለው እንቅስቃሴን ወይም ጊዜያዊ ድርጊትን ለመግለጽ እንጠቀምበታለን።

Active present continues ሲሆን የpassive form
Subject + am/is/are/ + being +V3

#Example 4
I am making a cake. (active)
      A cake is being made by me. (passive)

She is delivering the letters. (active)
    The letters are being delivered by her.(passive)

  Present Perfect

Use the present perfect to describe an action occurring in the past but relevant to the 
present, or extending to the present.
present percect ከአሁን ጋር ተዛማጅነት ያለውን ያለፈ ድርጊት ለመግለጽ እንጠቀምበታለን።

Active Present perfect ሲሆን የ passive form
Subject + has/have +been +V3

#Example 5
I have made a cake.(active)
   A cake has been made by me.

She has delivered the letters.
    The letters have been delivered by her.

ተመሳሳይ example የተጠቀምኩት ልዩነቱን እንድትመለከቱት ነው።

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8.0K viewsBaruk, 14:21
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2023-07-04 07:46:19 Active and passive voice

Voice means the form of the verb. There are two special verb forms. These are
               Active voice &
               Passive Voice

The active voice is a form of the verb that we usually used. In active voice, the subject performs the action and the object receives. The action or the object is affected by the verb.
Active voice በተለምዶ የምንጠቀምበት የግሥ አይነት ነው። በactive voice  ርዕሰ ጉዳዩ (የአረፍተ ነገሩ ባለቤት) ድርጊቱን ያከናውናል። በዚህ ጊዜ Object ድርጊት ተቀባይ ነው። በአጭር ቋንቋ በactive voice ጊዜ
          Subject አድራጊ (doer) የምንለው ሲሆን
          Object ደግሞ ድርጊት ተቀባይ (receiver) ይሆናል።

#Example 1 Rain erods the fertile soil.
     #Rain    subject
    #Fertile_soil object
   #erod  V1

እስኪ ወደ አማርኛ እናምጣው
"ዝናብ ለም አፈርን ይሸረሽራል።"
"Rain erods the fertile soil."

እዚህ አ/ነገር ላይ ምን ተረዳቹህ?
Rain(ዝናብ) ለም አፈርን እንደሚሸረሽር።
ስለዚ Rain አድራጊ(doer) ሲሆን fertile soil
ድርጊት ተቀባይ ወይም ተደራጊ (receiver) ነው።

Form of active voice
    Subject(doer) + main verb/helping verb + object(reciver)

The Passive Voice is the form of the verb that is used when the subject is affected by the action of the verb, we use this voice when we give emphasis for object.
Passive voice የግስ አይነት ሲሆን የአረፍተ ነገሩ ባለቤት በግስ ድርጊት ሲነካ ነው።  ይህንን (passive) የምንጠቀመው ለObject ትኩረት ስንሰጥ ነው።

ከላይ ያሳየኋችሁን Example 1 አስታውሱ

#Example 2
The fertile soil is eroded by the rain.

ይህ example ከ example 1 ጋር በምን ይለያያል? በደንብ እዩትና ለራሳቹህ መልሱት።

በዚህ example 2
Fertile soil Subject
Rain object

ስለዚህ Subject እና object ቦታ ተቀያይረዋል ማለ ነው።

"ለም አፈር በዝናብ ተሸርሽሯል።"
"The fertile soil is eroded by the rain."

እዚህ አረፍተነገር ላይ የምናየው ስለ Fertiel soil ስለመሸርሸሩ ነው። ስለዚህ የአረፍተ ነገሩ
  subject fertile soil
Object Rain ይሆናል ማለት ነው።

Form of Passive voice
Subject + be verb + V3 + by agent

Be verb ( is, am, are, be, was, were....)
by agent ላይኖርም ይችላል።

"ዝናብ ለም አፈርን ይሸረሽራል።"
"Rain erods the fertile soil."
ስለ Rain እያወራን ነው

"ለም አፈር በዝናብ ተሸርሽሯል።"
"The fertile soil is eroded by the rain."
ስለ fertile soil እያወራን ነው

Example for both

Keep the butter here. (active)
    The butter is kept here. (passive)

They broke the window. (active)
    The window was broken by them.

            የቤት ሥራ   Exercise 1
Convert active voice into passive

1. Abel is writing the letter.
2. They were playing tennis.
3. Tisnat has delivered a speech.

ይቀጥላል .....

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10.1K viewsS A M I, 04:46
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2023-07-03 08:57:15 Better than nothing.
    ከምንም ይሻላል።

Better late than never
        ከመቅረት መዘግየት።

I have nothing to say
     ምንም የምለው የለኝም።

We have nothing in common
      ምንም የሚያመሳስለን ነገር የለም።

He cares for nothing
   ለምንም ነገር አይጨነቅም።

She knows nothing about him
   ስለሱ ምንም ምታውቀው ነገር የለም

Nothing is impossible
   የማይቻል ነገር የለም

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12.9K viewsBaruk, 05:57
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