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Main friends and enemies of Russia according to Russians Acco | Map Analytics

Main friends and enemies of Russia according to Russians

According to survey, Russians consider Belarus (72% - a year ago it was markedly less, 58%), China (50% vs. 38% a year earlier) and Kazakhstan (34%) to be the main friends of our country. The top 10 included, for example, such "world leaders" as Syria, Venezuela, and Cuba.

The entire Western world is considered Russia's main enemy. The leaders here are the United States (73% vs. 66% last year), Britain (49% vs. 28%) and Poland (41% vs. 21% in 2021).

However, there is an interesting point: Ukraine is placed in the top of unfriendly countries to Russia by 31% of respondents, which is noticeably less (!) than last year's figure of 40%. Suddenly