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The latest Messages 14

2022-11-15 23:33:03
I hate this. I HATE this. But I was…

-Fontes: right
-Shapiro: right
-Nessel: right
-Whitmer: right
-Vos: right
-Simon: right
-Abrams: wrong

I wanted to be wrong. I prayed to be wrong.

But this was their promotion. You scratch the deep states back in helping them remove Donald Trump in 2020, they’ll see to it that you get your promotion. This is a blueprint to how politics works. This is how the deep state grows it’s network.

This is never going to end. This is only going to end when the citizens end it.
2.6K views20:33
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2022-11-13 22:57:55


Voting machines.
1.1K views19:57
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2022-11-13 20:34:43 What's happening in Dallas, TX with people being automatically added to poll pads upon close...

What's happening in Maricopa with the delay in counting and misdirection of information in the media by people like Board Leader Bill Gates & Recorder Steven Richer...

What's happened in GA Senate race and MN Gov race and PA Senate Race and PA Gov race with the algorithmic anomolies shown by the raw data from Edison stats in real time...

What's happened Nevada with Laxalt winning the entire time in NV then, after an 8 hour night in which the county acknowledges their cameras went dark, only to come up just THAT MUCH short in the count and lose costing REP the Senate...

What's happened in WI with the Milwaukee Election Commission Deputy Director Kimberly Zapata just a week before the midterm election sending Rep Elections Chairwoman Janel Brandtjen compromised military ballots to her home, in essence whistleblowing to the world that the MyVote system and registration list is easily manipulated causing anyone who'd like to receive a ballot that's not theirs...

This is not all coincidental. This is not all just "the process" of how things happen.

This is a coordinated assault on our election system, benefitting democrats (and establishment republicans too) to take the voting voice away from the American people.

It must not stand. The American citizen now must stand in it's place.
2.8K viewsedited  17:34
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2022-11-12 00:51:22 Vos reelected as speaker of the assembly in caucus Janel Brandtjen removed from caucus. UPDATE: Vos is only Speaker until January 3, 2023 then new assembly will vote.
286 views21:51
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2022-11-11 12:14:03
(Goes with above messages)
702 views09:14
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2022-11-11 12:13:21 And on top of all that… in the dust cloud of policies giving Americans crushing successes at all levels (as if that isn’t enough), he faced a media, a now-we-know-colluding-with-the-Biden-administration-propagandist-messaging-service with a Tommy gun level ammunition mag fully loaded aiming directly between his eyes DAILY! A bio-weapon funded by the NIAIH in Chinese labs funded by American tax payer dollars conveniently released at the beginning of an election year that saw mass rioting, businesses burned, David Dorn and others killed, two impeachments, one of which, mind you, was about a phone call to the guy they use as a money laundering piggy bank for future proclivities, and a false flag event with bad intentioned actors at a peaceful protest turned strategic event to cause chaos around 7 states alternate electors potentially being sent back to their respective states for constitutional legislative oversight and possible revision.

This rant also completely omits the WEF’s 2030 plan which they have made public, social credit systems, globalism, and the unimaginable spiritual warfare that’s palpable at this point.


Folks … this isn’t about RD vs DJT. Yes, Trump is producing the fodder. Yes he’s arrogant. Yes he’s at times narcissistic. Yes he’s not going to change. But that is what produced the above. That’s who he’s always been. You cheered when he said, “Yeah, because you’d be in jail” to Hillary Clinton but you cringe when he goads DeSantis because the media is poking him, again? I get the timing of it. I get the optics of it. Not ideal to our 2022 sensitivities. God forbid a leader suggest something publicly we’d never even bring up at the Thanksgiving table in fear of triggered Auntie Karen storming out in her spanks… Hell, do you remember what he did to Ted Cruz in the primaries?!?! Ted Cruz?! Then 4 years later Ted turns around and is one of the only few brave enough to object the electoral slate given on January 6th. Ron Johnson didn’t do that. Chuck Grassly didn’t do that. John Cornyn, Jodi Ernst, Tim Scott, they didn’t do that.

I don’t care what you call me. I don’t care what people say about us: Conspiracy theorist, cultist, fascist… those are just today’s terms from yesterdays Racist, homophobe, misogynist. Trump, when attacked, will attack. That’s what fighters do. And he’s a fighter.

Please, by all means, have your opinions DeSantis vs Trump: who ya got. If those are our options we’re in massively good shape. But maybe, after a midterm we’re still finding malfeasance in (and potentially no accountability of, again (God please be with us)), we could find it within ourselves to not foment the discussion they most likely directed this midterm for us to have.

Trump’s the greatest president of a generation. Perhaps ever. He deserves at least that.
725 viewsedited  09:13
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2022-11-11 12:13:21 (This message is in regard to the Save America message Trump just released talking about Ron Desantis)

I’m going to say this and I want to be very clear in how this is heard:

I don’t give a damn, a D-A-M-N about anyone’s perception of Trump.

Abraham accords?!?! Just that ALONE is mon-u-mental!! That’s G-E-N-E-R-A-T-I-O-N-S of spiritual HATRED toward Israel. That’s hate you and I will never know. A biblical, historical hate that’s spilled 1,000 upon 1,000 of people’s blood for centuries. And he not only brought these nations to the table, he brokered collations between THEM. While he gained what from it?! Nothing. The answer is nothing. No oil deal. No kickbacks. No American energy prosperity. Nothing.

And then there was black unemployment at the lowest in American history. E-V-E-R!! And not just African Americans… Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans… record lows across the board!

Universal incomes across the board rose. Homes heated for less. Opportunity brought to those who never were even given a chance by ANY Democrat.

No war. (Read that again) No! War! In fact, not only were no new wars started or even attempted from 2017-2020, but the FOUNDER of ISIS… not one of many leaders in the group, not a kingpin amongst a sea of pawns, but the guy who founded, created an international terrorist organization, was hunted and killed with minimal unnecessary casualties around the hit. Head of the snake, Gone.

And perhaps even more impressive than that? There was no retribution. Why? Because they feared him.

Energy independence. That term gets diminished and minimized by it’s continued usage in the MSM … think of it this way: Previous presidents didn’t do it. Previous presidents knew North Dakota, South Dakota, Alaska, Pennsylvania —> GOLD MINES for American oil. They knew it was there. Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama … nope. Silence! Trump, in less than a full term, mind you, brought gas prices back to PRE-2000 LEVELS! Christmas 2019 gas was $1.89 a gallon!!! And not only THAT, but America became an energy EXPORTER! Bringing in even MORE revenue!

Regulations lifted on businesses!! Can you imagine a business owner of 25 years, the relief he/she must’ve felt when Trump came in and started allowing them the opportunity to budget creativity back into their daily routine?!? Probably half the reason they started that business in the first place?!?! They’d been grindin for YEARS and all of the sudden they’re able to expand and experiment and potentially grow 10 fold without the governments weasely woke fingers around their necks?! In fact, according to White House records, small business optimism broke 35 year old records in 2018. 2018!! They still had (or thought they did) 2 more years to go!

Tariffs on China. Walked across the DMZ like it was his favorite restaurant he’d been to 1,000 times, DOW closed above 20,000 in 2017 for the FIRST TIME EVER & hit 30,000 in 2020, home prices hit record highs, cut middle class taxes in half, doubled the child tax credit, prioritized American farming, ELIMINATED the Obamacare individual MANDATE!!, lowered prescription drug prices, signed bipartisan First Step Act into law to humanely reintegrate former criminals back into society, built over 400 miles of southern border wall, brokered deals with Mexico to hold asylum seekers there AND pay for portions of the wall, withdrew from the Iran Nuclear Deal (& turned right around and sanctioned them to boot), publicly recognized Hong Kong’s autonomy, moved the American embassy to Jerusalem!!, Established Space Force, killed worlds top terrorist Qasem Soleimani, Signed and implemented the VA Mission Act, violent crime fell for 3 consecutive years in 2019, First ever president in HISTORY to attend the March for Life, signed the Great American Outdoor Act investing largest sum ever to preserving National Parks & public lands, signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act expanding school choice…

And this list DOESN’T include any judges, any Covid actions or all the human trafficking work he implemented.
664 viewsedited  09:13
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2022-11-11 00:34:56
What Bill Gates is talking about here is squirming around AZ state vote counting laws by minimizing their importance as “onesies and twosies.”

He’s literally telling you their defying state statutes to count these ballots illegally.

No big deal, just some onesies and twosies we have to work around pursuant to state law.

Am I reading him correctly?
2.5K viewsedited  21:34
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2022-11-10 10:53:52
Oh, and the story gets even better folks.

(I see a familiar country-wide theme forming here)
613 viewsedited  07:53
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2022-11-10 10:39:10

And they were tested BEFORE hand??

Sooooo they ARE connected to the internet then? And that’s how the results are transmitted?

621 viewsedited  07:39
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