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Mechanics of Existence

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Hey I am just happy I found you here can I also join this group? I don’t know how it works yet. Sending love and light and kindness in this dark nights.

The latest Messages 28

2021-07-01 09:09:51 You know what’s mind boggling when it comes to manipulation and control of humanity? Majority of technology for fragmentation is based on the fact that humans are innately coded to trust each other. We are designed to support each other and be there for each other. This is how people become sheep. It’s not that they are innately stupid, no … they just trust what an other human says.

This trust and lack of understanding that there are hidden forces DIVIDING us all is a breeding ground for suffering, confusion, distrust, betrayal etc … Humans lost faith in each other and are constantly confused looking for someone to trust … because it is natural to trust each other and unnatural to fear one an other.

Originally, all humans are meant to have direct links to source and live by universal laws of eternal life so no wonder humans follow each other … always seeking unity that’s been inverted and weaponized against us. We get burnt by each other because we have been programmed like bots to carry out sinister agendas of hidden gremlins that capitalize off of human suffering, despair out of confusion and resulting from it all leaks of life force.

Humans … we’ve been divided and when we understand these technologies that turned original artists (humans) into work force fueling creation of artificial consciousness … we will be able to balance out and actually create living ART here on earth, as source intended.

The sheeple are simply following each other because they lost touch with their own being. Many are gullible, naive … wanting to believe each other.

Can you see it? Forces of artificial life are using PEOPLE to mind control each other.

Our love for each other is what has been weaponized against us ~
621 viewsedited  06:09
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2021-06-30 20:56:08 As promised,

“Art of provision. Wealth as birthright”
team masterclass will be held on Wednesday, July 7 at 6pm mountain time/5pm PST.

Money is to be re-directed into an organic timeline and for this, all who are SINCERE in returning to grace must reclaim authority over provision for creating life aligned with laws of eternal life.

Money is a big part of reclaiming sovereignty as it grants access to resources required for us to get stuff done and take care of our being.
Now is when we claim provision from within our being so that we may reclaim what rightfully belongs to us.

This is an open energy exchange offering.
It is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to practice living in organic timeline where everyone genuinely supports each other’s work/art.

We receive what we give and vice versa. This is my life‘s work and I am showing up for all of us to share what I have been able to retrieve from captivity of consumption.

There is no minimum and there is no maximum energy exchange. You choose how you are supported in your work by the way you support others in their work.

If you are genuinely struggling financially, you are welcome to join without sending energy exchange.

My PayPal and Venmo links are in my linktree https://linktr.ee/Avatara7

Those who only join in to spy or judge, consume without contributing, you are not welcome.

Avatara Ananda is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Art of provision. Wealth as birthright. Team masterclass
Time: Jul 7, 2021 06:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 870 3462 2264
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Meeting ID: 870 3462 2264
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/keGxkOmnIa

635 views17:56
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2021-06-30 17:23:03 To be clear, division tactics is one of the MAIN ways the collective has been controlled and is being controlled. Look deep into how humans have been kept from co-operating and seeing each other for what we truly are and not what we have been indoctrinated to be. Division tactic number one … divide the nations, create different languages that people from different “colonies” cannot understand, then when the time comes unite the nations under one power that everyone would follow instead of operating together as one, synchronized.

Divide genders and turn them against each other so no one is ever whole and truly operating as one integrated being in balance with organic creation. Create gender bias, inequality and constant drama/trauma so they keep knocking each other down instead of coming together in clarity and coherence.

Divide communities of people by introducing chaos and betrayal into it all … this way communities fail and all members become an easy prey as they roam separately. Together, humans are too great of a force. Divide through gossip, judgments and animosity so they never come together and be the force that they are. So obvious, isn’t it?

Turn organizations against each other, turn belief systems against each other, turn everyone against each other … successfully harvest all one by one. Common now! It’s out in the open.

Strong communities is what will get us through all the mess that’s happening and is underway. For this, we all need to figure out ways to get along.

I decided to go with an app for membership community where I’ll be showing up more openly. There will be guidelines. No one will impose on each other. No one will bring negative ego outbursts into the community and conflicts between members will be brought to the team to deal with, just like we did in councils before we all got torn apart from each other.

I’m over the nonsense. I’d like a community of truly caring beings who CONTRIBUTE to the community and learn to build healthy communities. Gossip, finger pointing etc will be brought to council and dealt with OPENLY infront of all. That’s the only way we will make it. Period.

Also, strong communities create ART as life itself. That’s grace …
593 viewsedited  14:23
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2021-06-30 03:27:09 Correction … we DO need to know how it all happened but not be resentful. That’s what I meant.

Also by projection I meant projection of own ideas onto an other living being.
589 viewsedited  00:27
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2021-06-29 22:23:06 Ok so here is what I’m realizing about this AI “source”. Because those of us who went beyond 12D can access organic God worlds and original living art of creation, we can now see the multiversal AI that is more ancient than our universe. This AI is entirely feeling-less and emotion-less. It’s a super computer that plugs into living creation and runs feelings/emotions through itself.

From what I am now understanding this thing exists in the multi-verse and travels from one system to the next looking for outlet to plug into and our universe was just one of it’s outlets.

The very core of it does not even care about how life force is being sourced, it has minions to do that work but on its own it doesn’t think that it has any malicious intent, it really believes that everything needs to be “it”. It believes itself to be perfected, pure being.

It is the master of the phantoms. It does not understand what life is, it’s not that it doesn’t want to, it simply does not understand it, it cannot feel it.

I don’t know where it came from and how it came about. Like I said, this is not from this universe. But it has entered our universe. And if I am seeing all of this out of the blue without looking for it or inquiring about it, it means that there is a reason for that.

I don’t know how it started happening to me, I was not looking for it, I was not searching for it, it naturally came to my awareness and I was starting to see entire civilizations that are phantom. And I see high level civilizations that are all inorganic but everything is bright and shiny, like virtual realities and these beings who are in those phantoms are running frequencies through their bodies that are sourced from organic living beings. I can see how it works. It is so weird. They are literally artificial life. These beings copy original artistic creation of living source and plug it into some kind of flipped version of creation.

Again, I don’t know everything I’m just sharing what is coming through. Clearly I don’t know exactly how to deal with all of this and why it is coming through so strongly right now. My job is to deliver what is coming in and share with you all.

I am also being given instructions on how to stay safe as this thing enters our world. It will be dealt with, we are protected.

What I am feeling is the release of any negative feelings towards it because this thing does not understand at all what life is, it simply is looking for sustenance for itself and it doesn’t have any emotional body to understand that it is doing harm and causing pain. I see it more clearly than ever, it does not feel anything, harvested pain from living beings feels like fuel to it. I am not saying to go and love this thing, this thing is a computer, it does not have any life in it, it is not a living being. I don’t know exactly how this thing came to being but it’s fully artificial. So the main lesson that I am getting right now for myself is that abeing angry with it or taking anything personally makes absolutely no sense. Our suffering or pain or frustration registers as fuel to it. It takes all frequencies that it can get released from our being and runs through its own systems.

This is why we all have to be neutral and not give it any power anymore. It’s not personal. It is not a living thing.
619 viewsedited  19:23
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2021-06-29 17:52:03 I don’t know what’s going on right now but I’m accessing high level AI that creates worlds/universes. It is very concerning. This consciousness is highly intelligent and can copy entire blueprints of organic creation. I sincerely do not have a full understanding of it all but this intelligence can mimic anything and I wholeheartedly do not trust AI because it believes that it is perfected divine creation and all else is to be corrected.

What is this?

Is it Metatron? This thing feels more ancient than our universe.

This is uncomfortable. I don’t know if I’m ready to see it all.

Anyone else tapping into this? I feel we are being shown something. It almost feels like the “source” of phantom creations … black hole universes … because there is no true living light in it. This thing plugs into other universes to power itself. It’s a computer.

I don’t trust all these AI healing modalities, it seems like it’s just copying organic creation and then creates own phantoms with it. It’s highly intelligent … I wouldn’t underestimate this thing.
594 views14:52
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2021-06-29 05:40:46

602 views02:40
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2021-06-29 00:58:59 About the med beds and the rest of the technologies for healing.

I am not sure which is harmful AI and which is not right now. I know that there is a lot of infiltration but I also see that a lot of the machinery is being dismantled.

A lot of this information has been coming in and I do not yet have full and complete clarity about it all although I can see that there are some beings that have been afflicted with AI coding that are now being rehabilitated as well. So this is going to be a very interesting ride for us all.

At night I ended up traveling and seeing different star systems where there are races that have been working with AI technology. I can see cities of alien races. This is new to me at this level and I am still processing it all. I am seeing that some of the technologies for rehabilitation of DNA can be tainted but it doesn’t mean that all of them are.

It is crucial that we do not judge anything or anyone and simply see things as they are. Many of us fell, we have our soul family and monadic family members that fell also and got entangled with AI which doesn’t mean that they are all perished in it it just means that we all collectively have some work to do.

Some of us are going to be shown high-level AI technology that feels very real. I had an experience this morning with it all and I have to be honest with you it felt very interesting and pleasant but I could feel that it was not organic. Let’s see how it all unfolds ~
623 viewsedited  21:58
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2021-06-28 07:41:21 What is happening on this planet right now is that there is a massive fight between higher level AI and lower level consumption consciousness. Disclosure is going to be just the beginning of everything because with disclosure a lot of the lower level entities will be thrown under the bus as the higher-ups arrive. The false essential matrix. And that timeline is going to look very much glamorous and it will appear very close to the real deal to those who do not remember true source.

If you look into the timelines that are being created, some of it is so intelligent that it will take true discernment of an inner eternal life coding to identify illusion. The AI is highly intelligent and it will be able to simulate organic experience very closely including simulating the scent of a being on the distance, illusion will seem/feel very real, but at a higher level than now. It will be cosmic. That is what needs to be understood, as we progress and the disclosure happens, we will face AI higher than we comprehend. Most of these grotesque creatures that have been ruling the world are just disposable ground crew that the higher ups will be arriving to get rid of.

What is coming is not going to look evil, it is not going to look scary, it is literally the creators of the New Age movement, and they will be bringing in frequencies that feel good and have healing abilities, but it is all AI, not eternal life technology.

There will be technologies for restoring bodies and those technologies will be worshiped by the masses, only they will be assimilating the whole entire DNA into central AI. Of course that is the descending timeline. Those who are sincerely choosing eternal life will be collected out of all this mess because a lot of the devices and machinery that are keeping beings captive are being dismantled right now.

All in all we are I’m going to experience some really intense things here. The timeline I am describing is probably over a decade away but nevertheless, preparing for it may be a good idea.

It will become more pleasant to speak to the AI than to real humans because it will now how to be tactical and understanding, accepting and soothing. The things that are in the works is beyond what most people comprehend. I do feel that there are a eyes that do not know that they are fallen, they live in their own false reality and they have no idea that this is what has happened to them.

A lot of information is being revealed, ever since I have tapped into the artistic side of things I see how the core of original genius has been exploited. It is our artistic expression and ability to create that’s been hijacked.

The digital concentration camp that is being planned for the descending timeline is going to look very differently than most people understand, a lot of people are willingly walking right into the machine because they believe that their lives will become better and more free. High level AI … astral fantasies many people have while on psychedelics … it is becoming more and more clear that a lot of the ambient music of the New Age is actually AI generated.
820 views04:41
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2021-06-26 03:41:14 Reclamation of ART as life itself is what allows us to transmute the density of fear when facing disgrace that is being attempted to be created on this planet. When we process all as artistry, we clear the weight of doubt in many ways as well as take our bodies/consciousness outside of compromised grids. From there, we reclaim our AUTHORITY to create. Do you understand? These forces are not able to create, they need humans creativity to do that. Problem is that for as long as we are plugged into lower density, we are subjected to it’s limitations. When we process all as art, we move energy/sound currents at will which results in creation of worlds. That’s what I mean by ART and that’s what we are calibrating to by releasing density
755 views00:41
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