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​​Lavrov slams West, deriding EU as Biden’s ‘choir’ In a leng | Melania Trump (Official)

​​Lavrov slams West, deriding EU as Biden’s ‘choir’

In a lengthy manifesto, Russia’s top diplomat accused the West of hypocrisy and trying to subjugate Moscow and Beijing.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Sunday denounced the EU and the U.S. for trying to dictate a world order according to their whims, and to force Russia and China to bend to the West’s will.

Lavrov’s comments — in a lengthy manifesto, published in Russian in the daily newspaper Kommersant, and in English in the journal Russia in Global Affairs — came just days after a high-stakes summit between Presidents Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin in Geneva had raised hope of new cooperation and, perhaps, an end to years of badly deteriorated relations between Moscow and the West.

But he seemed to allow little possibility for this new reality. “Without any false modesty, Washington and Brussels called themselves ‘an anchor for democracy, peace and security,’ as opposed to ‘authoritarianism in all its forms,'” he wrote. “In particular, they proclaimed their intent to use sanctions to ‘support democracy across the globe.'”
