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CASHOUT FOR FREEDOM Saturday, September 18th, 2021 Wit | 😀🇦🇺 [Updates] Melbourne Freedom Rally


Saturday, September 18th, 2021

Withdraw your cash to take a stand for Freedom!


• Starting on the day of the World Wide Rally For Freedom, we the people will be taking back our power, by withdrawing as much cash as possible from our bank accounts, and paying only in cash for the following week!

• We will send a message to central bankers around the world that we will not allow the monetary system to continue to fund our Authoritarian Governments with public debt!

• Banks do not have enough cash reserves to cover your deposits.

• This act of financial protest can be done by anyone that supports the freedom movement, without the risks associated with joining our Freedom Rally events.

• Join the Pushback against the fiat fractional reserve banking system that is underpinning this government tyranny.