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Sabu Disc. In 1933, during excavations in the Egyptian villag | Mysteries of the planet

Sabu Disc.

In 1933, during excavations in the Egyptian village of Saqqara, 30 kilometers from Cairo, British archaeologist Walter Emery discovered something strange. While investigating Sabu's tomb, the scientist found a stone disc with three petal segments surrounded by a thin rim.

Sabu was a high-ranking official who lived during the reign of the first dynasty of pharaohs (3000-2800s BC). Over the past 80 years, Egyptologists still do not agree on why he needed such an unusual, unparalleled object. Some argued that it was a part of the lamp, although the lamps of this shape have never been seen before, someone was sure that it is a plate, but it is difficult to use it for eating.

The wheel had not yet been invented by the Egyptians in those years, nor could it be a protopropeller or a prototype of a propeller. Perhaps the Sabu disk had no utilitarian application at all, being some kind of sacred object, albeit unknown until now.