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Family Bible Fellowship of Ridgeville

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Our Mission is to “Know Christ and to make Christ Known”

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The latest Messages 43

2022-01-02 14:48:35 Every Sunday morning I get a text from a dear friend, a pastor in area, I thought we all needed this today! May God bless you as you walk with Him!

Good morning & Happy New Year! A great New Year’s resolution is from the words of Jesus in Matthew 6:33 “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”
We all face three main enemies: the world, Satan and our flesh. To keep this resolution for 2022, we need to fill our mind with the Word of God, pray fervently, resist the devil, flee temptation and be filled with the Holy Spirit. I will pray for you and I covet your prayers for God’s help & strength. You are loved and appreciated

~ Pastor Allen Perry

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2022-01-02 02:03:26 Would you like to Join us for Church? We come on! We would love for you to join us.

I wanted to personally invite you out to our live services Sunday morning. I will be preaching on John 15:12-17 (Friend or Foe), we would love to have you.

Sunday, Jan 2nd, 2022 Join us LIVE in person, LIVE on Vimeo or LIVE on Telegram!

We will be launching the live-feed @ 11:00am / EST

If you would like to join us in person, you can do so by visiting us at.:

Family Bible Fellowship of Ridgeville
354 Ridgecut Road
Early Branch, SC 29916

To join us live on Vimeo, connect here:


To join us live on Telegram, connect here:


TITHES AND OFFERINGS CLICK HERE -----> *Tithes / Offerings

God bless you and your family!
All other message Click here -----> SERMON FILES
1.5K views23:03
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2022-01-01 15:55:47 Kicking off the new year 2022, I wanted to encourage you to remember Gods faithfulness!

We have such an amazing God , with amazing Love, with amazing protection, with amazing provision! You need that reminder this morning! Don’t you! I did! He is a God of forgiveness, grace and mercy and even Wrath!!!!

Can I ask you today will you Bless his name today?

He has given us yet another year! It’s 2022! Many never made it to today, God has you here for a God size purpose! That purpose is to Glorify God and and Enjoy Him forever! He desires you share the Hope of Christ, the Gospel and to bless His name!

David said…..

Psalm 16:7-10
[7] I bless the LORD who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me. [8] I have set the LORD always before me;
because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.
[9] Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices;
my flesh also dwells secure.
[10] For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol,or let your holy one see corruption.

He will keep us as His Children, and we will not be shaken! Let’s move into this new year bold, knowing God is able! God is able!

So what now? Go, bless His name! Bless His name by the way you love, care and encourage other, by the way you help, provide and strengthen those in the the family of God and those outside!

It’s going to be an amazing year ahead, let’s March together in boldness! Blessing His name for He is with us!

3.4K views12:55
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2022-01-01 08:01:06 Happy NewYear!
3.6K views05:01
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2021-12-31 16:52:26
Join us this morning as Pastor Stuart explains, What must I do to be saved? You can join the live chat here @GettingInWord 9AM | EST
3.2K views13:52
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2021-12-30 23:34:42
1.1K views20:34
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2021-12-30 23:34:30 Can I tell you a story? This Sunday, we were introduced to a family from GA. These were wonderful people, and it was an absolute delight meeting them. They were a young couple with two sweet daughters. I'll keep their names private for their privacy, but they said it was ok to share their testimony.

After preaching the message Sunday from Philippians 3:12-14, the Husband approached me at the door and asked to give me something. I went outside to meet him, not knowing what to expect. The young man came back up to me with a box and begins to tell me his testimony and how he came to faith through our online ministry.

He used to be a firefighter! In his early days, he sought after outstanding medals for rescuing people from burning homes and such; this was his desire to be the best firefighter he could be, wanting to leave these medals behind as gifts for his children. He explained to me that he had chased after material things and missed much of his children's life. He recently retired and described that he wanted to spend time with his family and travel the country to fix this issue. Back around Easter, He and his wife and two daughters started listening to our online ministry, and He has placed his faith in Christ since then. I'm not sure the date or recall the month, but he was saved, and his life was changed.

He realized that he didn't want to leave that kind of legacy for his children, the kind that focused on medals and material thing, but instead, he wanted to be the kind of father that led his family to the Lord and wanted to be remembered as a father that impacted his family for Christ. Several years ago, this young man pulled a child from a burning home and was given a medal of honor for saving a life. This was his most treasured medal. At this point, the young man opened the box and handed me his Life-Saving Medal.

He said, "Pastor, I want you to have this because I need you to know you have been such a major part of saving so many lives, including mine" I didn't know what to say, what had no value to me, became one of the most significant prize possessions I have ever been given. We all know very well and he as well knows that I didn't save him, but God brought us together for which He placed his faith in Christ through the preaching of the Word of God.

I was also able to have lunch with him and his family today and Jennifer and I were so blessed by their company. I don't do what I do for self-glory, but wow, the power of God and the working of His Word makes long study sessions all worth seeing people give their lives to Christ. I'm grateful to God for the role He has given me. The moral of the Story is never stop sharing Jesus Christ; you never ever know who or what family will be impacted. There is no greater treasure than seeing a soul come to faith in Christ. We just made a new lifelong friend with a brother and sister in Christ. I pray this encourages you to press on and to stand firm in the faith.

Let’s not become discouraged in doing good, for in due time we will reap, if we do not become weary. (Galatians 6:9)

1.1K views20:34
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2021-12-30 18:43:59 https://www.buzzsprout.com/4442/9806963
2.0K views15:43
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2021-12-30 16:52:00
Join us today as we continue our study in the book of Jonah..... You dont want to miss this ONE.....
9:00am-10:00am EST here @
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2021-12-30 15:54:36 His mercy is new every morning! Good morning friend!

I was reminded of the importance of staying on task and being active in gospel ministry! With that comes sometime hard times, and even suffering. Paul told Timothy this!

2 Timothy 2:3-4
[3] Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. [4] No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him.

Don’t get side tracked today from
What you have been enlisted to do, walk out the day focusing on your task! Jesus is your task! Telling people about Jesus, about the Gospel, encouragement, and so go be awkward!

2.5K views12:54
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