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Putin stated that the Ukrainian offensive has begun According | Patrick Lancaster News Today

Putin stated that the Ukrainian offensive has begun

According to him, this is evidenced by the use of strategic reserves of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). At the same time, the president pointed out that with the high intensity of the fighting, all attempts at a counteroffensive failed.

“It can be stated that all counteroffensive attempts made so far have failed. But the offensive potential of the troops of the Kyiv regime is still preserved,” the head of state said

In addition, in recent days, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have experienced significant losses that exceed the “classic” indicator, the president emphasized.

“In this case, it significantly exceeds these classical indicators. I will not reproduce the figures now, but they are impressive,” Putin admitted.

The Russian leader also noted the courage and heroism of the fighters, the correct organization and command and control of the troops, as well as the high efficiency of domestic weapons.
