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Comment by the official representative of the Russian Ministry | Patrick Lancaster News Today

Comment by the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs M.V. Zakharova in connection with the murder of the Russian military correspondent S. Eremin

On April 19, as a result of a targeted attack by a UAV of the armed formations of the Kiev regime in the Zaporozhye region, military correspondent of the Izvestia Information Center Semyon Eremin was killed while performing his professional duties.

As a result of the deliberate repeated release of a shell from an Ukrainian Armed Forces drone, the Russian military commander was seriously injured, from which he later died.

We express our sincere condolences to the family and friends of S. Eremin, who died fulfilling his professional duty until the last minutes of his life.

We regard this purposeful and cold-blooded murder of a journalist as another confirmation of the ugly terrorist nature of the Zelensky regime, which has opened a real hunt for Russian representatives of the media, military officers, public figures, who, with their reports, comments and publications, reveal the truth to the world community, present undeniable facts about the crimes of the Kiev militants mode.

It was S. Eremin who published documentary evidence that Russian correspondents on the front line were declared priority targets for destruction by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The murder of S. Eremin, this bloody crime, cannot be considered other than an act of revenge for the honest performance of a journalistic duty.

We demand that relevant international organizations and human rights structures immediately and decisively condemn yet another brutal murder of a Russian journalist. With their habitual silence, they give carte blanche to the Kyiv clique for new, even more horrific terrorist attacks against media representatives, thereby becoming their accomplices.

In ensuring the rights of the media and safe conditions for their professional activities, “double standards” are categorically unacceptable.
