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The algorithm can also not miss, if you have an ugly code writ | Proxy and News

The algorithm can also not miss, if you have an ugly code written. There are a lot of rules on how to declare variables, where they need to be put, to declare. A lot of such rules, and all of them must be followed, 25 lines in one function, in one file a maximum of five functions and others.

And these rules are given at admission or are they somewhere in the open access?

All the rules are given in the school, but it seems to me that they can be found on the Internet, just at school everything is automated, and you can check it right away.

So you can check before sending?

The guys who are studying there have written a checker who himself checks everything according to all the rules. The guys just wrote this program themselves, there's a lot of everything that they write for the school, and everything slowly appears. Since the laboratory is very large, there is a separate program where you can simply enter the ID of the person you are looking for, and it shows in what place and for what computer it is sitting.

Then the question of people who were in the "pool", how closely you interacted?

They also all came from somewhere, and when you are left alone in the small town of Fremont in the middle of America, these people become your family and friends. I had three neighbors, we lived and studied together. And the fact that you are trying to go to school together is very close.

With other students who have already gone to school, they are called cadets, we also had good contact, they tried to help us and cheer us up. We had a cinema in the hostel, a room for tennis, there is a gym and a lot more.

Nearby there is nothing, only the Tesla plant, to the shops go and go, so we were always together. They were interested to know that I was from Kazakhstan, and at the end of the "pool" they already knew the Kazakh words "Salem, Kazakhs, zhasy, rahmet", necessarily "Kayyrly Ton", "thank you very much" - some taught basic words in Russian.

They asked about Kazakhstan, where Almaty is located, which Astana. I showed them pictures, they liked it very much. It seems that they did not know anything about Kazakhstan. And I was also interested in learning about other people.

And what a classic day in the "pool"?

At 8:42 the day begins, at which time new tasks are opened. You have access to them, and accordingly, there are a couple of videos to them. You must make them and send them until the next day until 11:42. But the next day at 8:42 the following tasks are already coming.

And so every day, and on weekends the same. On weekends there are single and group projects. On Fridays, the exam. At 11:42, everyone claps one another, it's such a tradition when surrendering, sometimes I did not have time to pass the assignment and heard someone clapping.

There are a lot of interesting things. For example, you can not leave drinks or food where there are computers. If you left, then you leave the laboratory for three hours.

In the "pool" this time is very precious, and everyone asked for any rule other than three hours outside: someone forty-two times pressed, despite the fact that there were girls there, and there were also various funny tasks. Sometimes asked to learn the Chinese phrase and loudly tell it to everyone.

You have lunch from 11:00 to 14:00, you can go to the dining room at any time, and from 16:30 to 18:30 there's dinner, that's all. Then you sit, work, then sleep - and so every day.

The laboratory works round the clock, right?

Yes, some guys sit all day without days off. In this laboratory is not allowed to sleep.

How many computers are on the same floor?

A thousand, but they are divided somewhere into four zones.