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You say it was great. And I thought you were loaded there. We | Proxy and News

You say it was great. And I thought you were loaded there.

We were loaded to a certain extent. If one of the guys who studied with me there, they will hear that I say that they do not ship there, they will laugh at me, because ...

Was it difficult for them?

It was hard for them, they worked 24 on 7, and I did not do anything (laughs).

I raised the statistics, it turns out, of all cadets only 11% of the girl.

I'm surprised that they are 11%. Because there really is no girls at all.

How difficult is it for a girl to be at school "42"?

It's hard to be a girl at all, in the first place. Being a girl among programmers is hard, secondly. Thirdly, it's hard to be a girl programmer and try to learn the programming itself. Fourth, being a programming girl and trying to learn programming herself and living with three other girls is super-heavy.

@. You have to be some kind of super girl to deal with all this (laughs).

I think it's a school for courageous people. It must be understood that this is not a university, no one will teach you, and it is entirely your responsibility. And you can not provide any diplomas, certificates and you will look for a job relying only on your knowledge.

This is even harder, because companies such as Google, Facebook, your resumes are not even people watching, but cars. If there are no indicators, then they do not even consider you. Therefore, it is for those who are confident in themselves and are confident that they will be able to independently learn and apply this knowledge.

You certainly had some difficult moments, compressed deadlines, when you did not have time to finish the task. How did you cope with stress?

There was a project that I started doing an hour before deadline. On this project in fact given for two or three days, I accidentally deleted it an hour before delivery. I wanted to delete something else. Here I was disturbed by the speed of typing, it's fast to type - it's cool, of course, but you can also delete something. You do not know how I felt. I had real stress. I already wanted to go out, go to the hostel to sleep, because I thought I would not have time to do it.

But then I took myself in hand, breathed in the fresh air, calmed down and went back to do this project. For an hour I, of course, did not finish it completely, but nevertheless I did not score zero. I wrote about what I had left from memory. It was with bugs, but I decided to pass it all the same.

At the moment when it left, my hands dropped, very emotionally reacted to it. I do not know what other people are doing at such moments, but I take a deep breath-out and it helps to pull myself together. We have a cable car there, it's nice to walk there.

Have you seen any cool people?

I saw Mark Zuckerberg, but not at school, but at the office. I went to the Facebook office and asked a girl from Yahoo to introduce me to someone from Facebook. A guy named Alex gave me a brief instruction, because he was busy. I was glad to spend at least an hour there and see with my own eyes.

We passed the glass conference hall, and I looked there, and there sits Mark Zuckerberg. I asked Alex: "Is this Mark Zuckerberg?", And he says: "Forgive me, pass by, we go on." I at that moment, it turns out, froze and stopped.

Then he told me that you can not do this. There is always a lot of protection around him, and if you start acting strangely, you can be kicked out. And I just went on, and inside the storm of emotions. In general, it was cool.

And who else is steeper than him?

Who can be cooler than him (laughs)? Only if Ilon Mask, but I did not see him.

Ilon Mask once went to school "42" and wrote on Twitter, something like "Beware, universes."

Did he write like this? That's cool. Few people know about the school "42", the harder it is to compete when Stanford is near. The whole world knows about Stanford, but few know about the school "42". In Europe, it is even more popular, but in America there. People somehow are skeptical about all this, because it's free.