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Unpredictable Rules of the Game: Why Narcissists Like to Contr | Psychology 💡

Unpredictable Rules of the Game: Why Narcissists Like to Control Everything

The narcissist is willing to do anything to establish control over those around him. Deception, manipulation, orders, everything is used to control people. And the rules the narcissist dictates are often contradictory and fickle. Why does this happen?

1. Arrogance
Narcissists consider themselves superior to others and believe they know "how to do things" better than you do. This is why they think they have the right to set some rules for others. Only a very narcissistic person thinks that everyone around him must obey his arbitrary demands.

2. Self-assertion
The narcissist seeks to make the victim (partner, child, colleague) a "bad" person. From his point of view he becomes "bad" by breaking his rules. He needs to feel like a victim and show that he has every right to punish you.