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Massive weiner and cry baby, flip flopping spinless fish weasel Mark Slapinski is shook.

Maybe don't wish death on people and applaud state jackboots beating women in the street ? He tags the toronto police as if this is something they have the time to bother with.

Did you already try my homeroom English teacher Mark? Is your Mom gonna call my Mom?

I always get a kick out of internet busy body tough guys that act like 'they're gonna find me!' when I've never been hiding and 5 seconds on google will yield multiple ways to get in touch with me. They literally blurred out the parts of the screen where my website is listed, with contact information.

"TrYinG to FiNd OuT!!!"

These gutless cowards are all the same. I live in their heads rent free, the truth rustles their panties so much and I love to see it.

Take notes, Slapinski.
Blundell, you're next - whenever you get back from your nightly AA meetings and juggling alimony to your 2 ex wives that is. Take your time, holier than thou.