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60+ RUSSIAN IDIOMS (NOT) ABOUT WEATHER (Part 2, check Part1 he | Russian slang

60+ RUSSIAN IDIOMS (NOT) ABOUT WEATHER (Part 2, check Part1 here)

“Winter” idioms:
18. Как снег на голову — suddenly, spontaneously (out of the blue).
19. Искать прошлогодний снег — to look for something nonexistent (a wilde goose chase).
20. Мороз по коже — an unpleasant sensation, a chill that runs through someone's body caused by fear or anxiety (a cold shiver)
21. Гнать пургу — to hold stupid conversations, to talk nonsense (to talk bullshit)
22. Сморозить глупость — to talk nonsense (talk through one's hat)
23. Зимой снега не выпросишь — about an extremely greedy and stingy person (to get blood out of a stone)

Idioms about the thunderstorm and storm:
24. Как гром среди ясного неба — suddenly, spontaneously (out of the blue).
25. Буря в стакане воды — an exaggerated small problem (a storm in the tea—cup).
26. Затишье перед бурей — a feeling of something significant coming, a calm period before a difficult time (the lull before the storm).
27. Как громом пораженный — shocked (smth hit somebody like a ton of bricks).
28. Метать гром и молнии — to get upset and angrily threaten someone (to breathe fire).
29. Словно буря пронеслась — about someone or something that turns the usual way of life or the order of things upside down.
30. Буря восторгов — someone experiences and expresses absolute delight (storm of cheers)
31. Ураган страстей - I think there is nothing to explain here, especially since the phrase is almost a complete analogue of the English translation (a whirlwind of passion)