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​Now that the term nudging and pysops are defined and understo | Robert W Malone, MD

​Now that the term nudging and pysops are defined and understood, think about these terms in context of mass formation and the narrative big media generated to the Joe Rogan podcast (link at the end of this article). The article below explains:

REVEALED: AP source who 'fact checked' Mass Formation Psychosis theory encouraged 'behavioral nudging' people into Covid compliance, quoted Goebbels

Van Bavel (the AP source) seems to believe that he is not guilty of either spreading or believing propaganda, manipulating people or being manipulated.

In a Nature
article in 2020, Van Bavel posited that "insights from the social and behavioural sciences can be used to help align human behaviour with the recommendations of epidemiologists and public health experts." What is this if not an attempt to push people to do what they're told?

The article addresses using fear as a means to control people, in the right doses: "A meta-analysis found that targeting fears can be useful in some situations, but not others: appealing to fear leads people to change their behaviour if they feel capable of dealing with the threat, but leads to defensive reactions when they feel helpless to act. The results suggest that strong fear appeals produce the greatest behaviour change only when people feel a sense of efficacy, whereas strong fear appeals with low-efficacy messages produce the greatest levels of defensive responses."

So, the expert opinion that fact-checked the term Mass Formation is actually is an expert on the use of behavioral techniques and fear to ensure compliance within a population to support public health. So, denying that mass formation exists, while writing about it in the scientific literature. It doesn’t get more Orwellian, does it?

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