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Categories: Politics
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Nuestra Ira No Tiene Limites
There is No Limit to Our Anger
V. M. Molotov

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2023-10-13 00:21:13


Crazy scenes from Avdeevka - an enemy convoy retreats, but some of them are not so lucky.


12.7K viewsZinderneuf, edited  21:21
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2023-10-13 00:12:30
A little history of the Middle East
13.0K viewsWiggims, 21:12
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2023-10-13 00:10:45
Congressional commission recommends US prepare for simultaneous war with China and Russia - Reuters

To do this, it is necessary to expand your armed forces and modernize nuclear weapons.
This decision was made by a bipartisan commission on strategic policy appointed by the US Congress. Her report comes amid tensions with China over Taiwan and other issues, as well as tensions with Russia over its actions in Ukraine.


13.6K viewsZinderneuf, edited  21:10
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2023-10-09 23:27:16 (Opinions expressed in this article are the author's own, and do not reflect the view of Slavyangrad.)

Some time ago, we posted an interview with a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, where when enquired about sharing a border with NATO, he remembered that Russia or USSR has long shared a border with Norway and Turkey, and this wasn't an issue because of the quality of governance and diplomacy. Diplomats would do their job of de-escalating and governants had, regardless of their ideology, a view in a much further horizon.

This is gone. And this is key to understand why those events are happening all at once. Western democracy deteriorated, the major political parties lost their substance and became all the same, the advent of the EU pretty much castrated many countries that were heavyweights in international relations. Party leaders and then Prime Ministers, so used to taking orders from the US or large corporations, eventually adapted to this situation, lost any ability to govern and react to events and became mere spokepersons.

The European countries, which would before play the role of good cop with their powerless statements, don't even do that anymore. Their unconditional support to Ukraine brutalized their mindset and they grew increasingly hawkish, fascist and tolerant to collective punishment. As they do with Russia, their statements use unsuitable emotional language and echoing every single argument from Israel uncritically, just like they do with Ukraine. This is not diplomacy, this is a tantrum.

Worse than that, these decadent, increasingly irrelevant countries, led by leaders who can't lead, don't allow other countries to come in and fill in the vacuum created by their absence. They staunchly resist the rise of African, Asian and Latin American countries which would be more competent in mediating conflicts and avoiding war. Their irresponsible approach gave us the wars in Syria, Libya, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and now Israel. Many, if not all, the global south countries produced statements regarding the war that were balanced, fair and in line with what the common sense dictates: that Palestinians deserve self determination and terrorist attacks have to stop. If those countries were heard instead of Europe, there would be no war.

Just as it is understandable that Palestinians, after decades of humiliation and repression, will eventually commit atrocities due to their condensed hate once they have the chance, it is understandable that after such a humiliation, Israel will react strongly. It is what they are supposed to do. Their masters were supposed to tone it down and control it, instead they are encouraging a mad men to do what they want.

In short, we may be about to witness a genocide in Gaza. And the major culprit will be the same as usual, the collective West that assigned itself the role of world police, but does not have the competence to actually do it. Their "rules based" world is dying, but it will be a violent death.

14.0K viewsLuis, edited  20:27
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2023-10-09 23:21:53
A club in Estonia has dismissed coach Vladimir Jovanovic for congratulating the Russian president on his birthday on social media.

The football club FC Smsraha from Viimsi, a multiple Estonian futsal champion, terminated its cooperation with the Serbian specialist on Monday.

According to ERR, citing the club, Jovanovic accepted the resignation with understanding. He stated that everyone has the right to their opinion, and no one on this planet can dictate what he should think. He said, 'It's called freedom of speech; it's democracy.'"


14.1K viewsinna, edited  20:21
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2023-10-09 19:34:17 World logistics will suffer another heavy blow, and the importance of Russia as a future major logistics hub is growing exponentially.

Saudi Arabia has decided to stop negotiations with Israel.

The "EU-Israel-Saudi Arabia-India" transportation corridor has come to an end.

The role of the railroad connection between Europe and Asia, which our country is now actively expanding, the "North-South" corridor, where India, Iran, Russia and, on a residual principle, the Gulf Monarchies rule, the New Silk Road, part of which also goes through Russia, and the NSR, through which the historic delivery of cargo to Kaliningrad took place on the third day, only grows with every such news.

Four conclusions follow from this:

1. Russia acquires a huge geopolitical weight in the world logistic connection, which is not controlled by the West, than it nullifies British and American military bases, which today control the main routes of world trade and thus hold the world economy hostage. We are becoming a real alternative to the current geopolitical arrangement.

2. Geopolitical pressure on us will increase, as we are becoming too important and practically non-alternative country for most of the world producers, who are tired of Anglo-Saxon dictate.

3. even more cargo will go through us, on which our country will earn huge money and increase its geopolitical power.

4. There will be too many interested parties from major world powers that have a vested interest in Russia's security. Consequently, our anti-Western camp will only grow stronger every year. Big trade (and big money) loves the safe movement of goods.
21.8K viewsSergey Slessarenko, 16:34
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2023-10-09 19:24:06
Can you imagine if we went through Kiev like that? There would be a lot of stink, accusations, and poop in our direction.
But that's what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. And the "first world" not only ignores it, but tacitly approves of it. And is ready to give Israel more arms and ammunition.
Lying two-faced bastards.

20.6K viewsSergey Slessarenko, edited  16:24
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2023-10-09 19:20:10
Mustafa Barghouti, Secretary General of the Palestinian National Initiative: Palestinians are turning to resistance because they see that it is the only way to achieve their rights. The question is not about dehumanizing Palestinians and calling them terrorists. It's about asking why the US is supporting Ukraine against what they call "occupation" while here they are supporting an occupier who continues to own our territories.
18.6K viewsSergey Slessarenko, 16:20
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2023-10-09 19:16:03
"Taiwan is next. Every global conflict we see is a consequence of diminished U.S. leadership," Trump Jr. wrote in X.

17.4K viewsSergey Slessarenko, 16:16
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2023-10-09 18:59:08
Iranian President Raisi: Iran supports the legitimate defense of Palestine and emphasizes that Zionists and their supporters must be held accountable for putting the security of the region at risk.
17.9K viewsSergey Slessarenko, 15:59
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