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2023-09-03 21:02:53
23.4K views18:02
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2023-09-03 19:48:52 Your life is empty without fears.

That is why fears exist.

Fears exist so that you can ignore them and act ANYWAY.

If you were afraid of nothing, then nothing at all would matter.

You work your hardest every day out of FEAR.

Only through fear can you ever push yourself past your limits.

Why do fighters train so hard before a fight?


Fear is the driving force that makes them suffer more than they thought they could suffer.

The fear of losing to their opponent.

The fear of not training as hard as the enemy.

FEAR is the ultimate motivator.

You are poor because you do not FEAR poverty.

If you truly had FEAR deep in your soul.

You wouldn't be able to sleep at night.

You wouldn't be able to jerk off.

You wouldn't be able to continue to WASTE YOUR LIFE.

If you do not FEAR you do not care.

Only by caring, truly caring, will you ever push yourself to the very edge of your ability.

Only care and by extension, FEAR, will allow you to push your body to do the impossible.

Like a mother lifting a car to save her child.

Fear unlocks the full possibility of the human body and mind.

Bravery is so defining for success.

Because Bravery is the only way to act while filled with the most powerful emotion on earth.

23.2K views16:48
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2023-09-03 14:03:12

Live tonight, September 3 at 9pm Bucharest time

Watch it live on Rumble:…
21.7K views11:03
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2023-09-03 12:22:11 My brain:

- Estimating the SEC approval of BTC ETF.
- Matrix attack, court.
- 22 properties and 50 cars to maintain.
- Jet and Yacht to maintain.
- 117 staff, quarterly appraisals.

Etc etc.

My womans brain: I wanna go spa. Can we go spa?
22.2K views09:22
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2023-09-02 22:50:23 Brotherhood is magical.

Grab any man on this planet and give him a brother.

Give him a man on earth who truly CARES about him.

And it is guaranteed his life will be better.


Brotherhood is a UNIVERSAL life improvement.

Brotherhood is MAGICAL.

"Tate, I have a brother"


Do not mistake my definition of brotherhood with having a biological brother.

Most men have a "brother" but do not have a brother.

A brother is a man on this planet who cares about you as much or more than he cares about his own self.

Every morning he wakes up and takes a status check on both your own and his life.

His soul views yours and his as the same.

A brother is an extra mind and soul who exists with your well-being at the forefront of his mind.

A brother doesn't need to be blood-related.

There is no true limit on how many you can have.

But the reason most men are brotherless,

Is because they aren't a brother themselves.

You must give the magic of brotherhood before you will ever receive it.

Only with brothers can you defy all the odds and accomplish the impossible.

Only brothers allow one man to accomplish what is impossible for one man to accomplish.

My entire life is a result of that magic substance.

I have always had a brother and he has always had me.

My exponential success is a result of the ever-increasing number of brothers I have.

If you have followed me for the last 5 years.

You have already witnessed the magic.
22.8K views19:50
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2023-09-01 18:49:53 There is nothing as disgusting as cowardice. 

The absolute opposite of any male virtue. 

The fear of doing what is RIGHT. 

I’m afraid to die. 

But I’m more afraid to live knowing I was a coward and did wrong by those I love. 

You wanna rape her?

You better kill me.

COWARDS are worth nothing. 

They smile in the sun, laugh at the party and in the cold reality of the human experience they shit themselves and let anyone they care about die.

Violence is here to stay but a coward isn’t.

They walk by your side and abandon you in the time of need.

Rolling with cowards is worse than rolling alone. 

When I was 20 I was dating a 17-year-old girl. Her name was Kerrie. 

She had an ex-boyfriend who thought he was a gangster.

One Saturday night when I was at her house, her ex and 5 of his friends turned up with hammers.

I was inside with a friend of mine, Tony, along with Kerrie and her friend.

He and his boys waving hammers around.

Tony started saying we should call the police.

I told him if we didn’t stand up to them they’d just come back again and again. It was now or never.

Tony was almost in tears. But we walked out together.

The ex, I don’t even remember his name, demanded I say sorry to him. For taking his girl.

He wanted to look the big dog in front of his little posse by demanding a sorry from me and that would have been the end of the story.

I told him I wasn’t sorry for anything. And if he wants to try and hurt me, do it.

Tony, standing beside me, on MY team, said "Just say sorry man"

His COWARDICE inspired them.

HE made THEM braver because HE was a fucking COWARD.



I turned and pushed Tony to the ground, surprising everyone. He was on my team before he said to apologize. I shoved him to the ground and told him he’s a fucking pussy.

He got up and ran inside.

I stood against the 5 men alone.

But the situation instantly changed after the push.

The tension was gone. 10 seconds later they left, and I went inside.

Tony was in the corner sulking waiting for a taxi "I’m going home"

I never spoke to him again.

Young Kings. Bravery, Honor, and Discipline, without those, nothing else matters.
23.7K views15:49
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2023-09-01 14:42:49
The characters they depict in movies are achievable metrics of men.

You can be a super hero.

You can be a James Bond.

Don’t let the slaves and peons try to convince you otherwise.

You can have it ALL.

Physically imposing, mentally sharp, lightning reflexes, worldly knowledge.

The slaves and peons will try to influence you into being okay with mediocrity.

Society will tell you it’s okay to be average.

I’m here to tell you, IT’S NOT.
23.0K views11:42
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2023-08-31 23:41:07
The only kind of men who advocate crying are the men without the self-control to prevent themselves from crying.

For them crying is not a choice. They can't stop themselves.

They lack discipline, the foundational pillar of masculinity, and attempt to convince you down to their level.

The primary element of masculinity is to do what you don't want to do.

It's acting without motivation,
decisions based on discipline.

You train when you don't want to train.

You smile when you don't want to smile.

You sink with the Titanic when you don't want to swim.

I will admit I don't feel like training every day.

But I do it anyway.

I work every day even though I'm a multi-millionaire.

Every single waking hour is CONSTRUCTIVE towards WORLD CONQUEST.

Why else am I awake?

If not to work towards having everything I want?

You will never make it far as a man until you master the ability to act against your emotions.

To train when you don't want to just as hard as you do when you DO want to.

TEACHING men to cry when they feel like crying is teaching these exact same men to kill when they feel like killing.

Men without emotional control are DANGEROUS.

Sure, cry if something terrible happens to you every few years.

Certainly don't make crying a habit.

And stay away from anybody who does.

They do not have opinions that will better your life.

Learn from people who are where you want to be.
13.0K views20:41
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2023-08-31 21:26:38 Speed is a sign of strength and high IQ.

People who take a long time to do things are weak or stupid.

Speed rules my life. EVERYTHING.

I guarantee I use a cash point quicker than you.

Guarantee I implement ideas faster than you.

You name it. I’m quicker.
14.0K views18:26
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2023-08-30 21:40:25
I am extremely grateful for everything I have.

God has blessed me with the perfect upbringing, the perfect combination of light and dark.

Pushed to the edge JUST ENOUGH to feel absolute suffering.

I know pain INTIMATELY.

He has allowed me to be hurt.

Yet I am alive.

This gratefulness is what motivates me to give back to the universe,

I heard about Bitcoin SOMEWHERE. I turned this whisper into money.

I heard about Storm Gym SOMEWHERE. I turned this whisper into power.

I had a great father and mother.

I was GIVEN all my opportunities by the universe and capitalized on each one absolutely.

You have been given the same chances.

I have told you about The Real World.

You can turn this whisper into money.

I have told you about THE WAR ROOM. You can turn this whisper into power.

I have concrete evidence that your life is good...

Because you are signed up to this Telegram and spoken to daily by Andrew Tate. 

Directly from his desk.

To you.

If you are reading this, you are very lucky.

You have a certain path to become financially free for yourself and your loved ones.

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is right here.

You have it.

But ultimately it is YOU reading this.

And ultimately YOU need to capitalize.

YOU need to act.

Every single thing that happened in your life, both good and bad, got you to this moment.

Be grateful for the good and be grateful for the bad.

No matter how much pain, suffering or misfortune was on the way.

It was the perfect amount to get you here.


Don't fuck it up.




21.0K viewsedited  18:40
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