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Logo of telegram channel tatescholar — Tate
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Language: English
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The latest Messages 33

2023-08-30 20:28:07 Last few moments.

You’ll regret not joining.
20.2K views17:28
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2023-08-30 18:59:00 1 hour left.

The choice is yours.
21.5K views15:59
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2023-08-30 17:10:42 Less than 3 hours left.

Passport distribution is about to end.
23.0K views14:10
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2023-08-30 11:41:56 8 hours left.

Will you be apart of this revolution?
24.6K views08:41
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2023-08-29 20:11:40 THE END IS NEAR

Last moments.

Members have begun to receive their passports to PLANET T.

In less than 24 hours, the first wave of passport distribution ENDS.

The first wave, the founding wave, will be completed.

People always tell me how they heard about Crypto before everyone else but just didn't act on it.

They act like KNOWING about a grand opportunity before everyone else is impressive.

But it's actually just embarrassing.

When I look into their eyes, I see a brokie who could've had their entire life changed with a single act of bravery.

I see their regret.

I see their "could-have-been" dreams.

I know they lay awake some nights thinking about how life could have been.

One single act of cowardice plagues their entire future existence.

You, will likely share their curse.

You will read this warning, you will think "It can't actually be THAT life-changing"

You do not fully UNDERSTAND Artificial Intelligence.

You haven't monitored its progress over the last 5 years.

You don't realize it is an exponential advance.

You think ChatGPT and little plug-ins are the extent of its power.

You don't know the leaps and bounds that have been made in the past 2 weeks.

You cannot COMPREHEND how fast, viciously and violently Artificial Intelligence will make you obsolete.

PLANET T is the future.

It's the first of many universes to come.

The first and the most valuable.

You're given the training.

You are taught EVERYTHING you need to become the top 0.01% of creators on Earth.

Images, videos, text, files, movies, WHATEVER YOU IMAGINE.

You are taught how to do the work of 1,000 men singlehandedly with your Artificial Intelligence Co-Pilot.

This is your opportunity to be a founding owner of the future.

You don't fully understand it, I don't expect you to.

This is your chance.

This is either the moment you are plagued for eternity as you dream of what "could have been"


The moment your life changed for the best.

The choice is yours.

You have less than 24 hours until the doors to be first, close.
28.1K views17:11
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2023-08-28 19:42:03
The beginning of the future is now.

Passport distribution for PLANET T has begun.

Over the next 24 hours, the first builders will begin the construction of a brand-new world.

The founding members will own a percentage of the future to come.

Training in modern Artificial Intelligence technology from beginner to advanced is now available to every student of THE REAL WORLD.

We have been preparing for this moment for months, years.

Waiting for advancements in AI technology to reach the point it needs to be.

That time is now.

Many students are already making thousands of dollars with their new other-worldly powers.

Harnessing AI to construct images, videos, scripts, websites, ASSETS, at lightspeed.

We live in a digital world, the trend towards digitization of all parts of life continues.

There are videos worth more than houses, there are images worth more than companies.

Files worth more than cities.

PLANET T will become worth more than countries.

And this is the beginning of your opportunities to own a part of it.

The portal is open now.

This is your chance, this is a greater opportunity than an email telling you to purchase Bitcoin at $1 in 2014.

This is your world title fight opportunity.

This is the day your life will change.

Are you ready to become an owner?



16.1K viewsedited  16:42
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2023-08-27 19:45:56
24 HOURS. 

When I was 23, I was tested. 

I was told I had 3 days to prepare to fight the world champion at the time. 

I wasn’t prepared. 

I had THREE days to drop 10 kilos. 

I had two options:

1 - say "no" and decline the fight as a coward, hide from the possibility of death.

2 - say "yes", cut the weight and fight. 

I picked the second option. 

Won and became world champion for the first time. 

If I said "no"?

I wouldn't have gotten my future championship fights. I wouldn't have become 4x World Champion.

Everyone heard about Bitcoin in 2019 from me. 

Some acted. Some did not. 

Those who did?

Multi-millionaires right now.

They took a bet on themselves.

And – picked wealth over cowardice.

Right now, the world is in a similar situation. 

PLANET T issues its first passports in 24 hours.

AI is making the average man irrelevant. 

ALL major companies, all competition, everything will be conquered.

PLANET T will be only the beginning, it will be the first.

A place built off the most advanced AI technology that allows men to build what they imagine.

Asset creation built with the speed of light.

A place where 10 years of the average man’s progress is done every month. 

Citizens will have all the tools required to create HIGHER quality work than their competitors…. 1000x faster.

They will be the future leaders of the new world.

Tomorrow, you decide your future.

19.6K views16:45
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2023-08-26 20:27:50
AI is the pinnacle of speed.

Speed is what makes it so dominating and crushing.

Speed is why AI will conquer Earth like Blitzkrieg. 

It isn't the quality of work,

AI doesn't necessarily create better quality work than an expert.

It creates work that is on average 80% as good but at 1000x the speed.

Instead of one creation done by a human. 

AI will create one thousand creations and its human pilot can then select the best one for the task.

It is evolution,

At light speed.

This is why PLANET T will become so dominating so quickly.

PLANET T will be built purely using the latest AI technology which is weaponized by all students within THE REAL WORLD.

Combined with the initial passport holders running as the human pilots,
PLANET T will grow and develop faster than any other project to date.
It will grow and adapt at the speed of light.

Thousands of new creations built inside of this alternate reality limited only by the imagination of the PLANET T founding builders.

AI is the future of this planet and every other one.

Everyone who does not realize this, everyone not preparing for it, will be CRUSHED.

You reading this WILL BE DESTROYED if you are not applying Artificial Intelligence to anything you are trying to be the best at.

PLANET T will be the first of its kind.
In 48 hours, the initial passports will be handed out and building will commence.

In 48 hours, history will be made.
22.2K views17:27
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2023-08-25 20:49:14
Power comes from creation.

The world is divided into two groups.

Creators and Consumers.

All the Brokies of the world, LIKE YOU, consume more than you create.

All the Wealthy of the world, LIKE ME, create more than we consume.

It's a simple law.

Consumption is very easy to do, that is why everyone does it.

You can learn a lot by consuming the right information, but consuming will never make you rich.

Only CREATION can do that.

Only Creation will ever give you the dream life you want to have.

Only through real-world effort applied meticulously to the correct actions will EVER make you wealthy.

You can talk about the gym all you want.

You can watch every single video about exercise that exists on planet Earth.

The strongest men in the world, do not KNOW the most facts about how the human body works.

Consuming information doesn't make you strong.

Only ACTION does.

When the founding members of PLANET T inevitably become wealthier than they could ever imagine.

I want you to understand, this will be because PLANET T is a project of CREATION.

PLANET T will be built through the hard work and application of the latest Artificial Intelligence Technology on the market today.

When its owners inevitably become rich.

It will be very simple to understand how.

CREATION is the source of all power.

24.5K views17:49
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2023-08-24 21:11:58
The Era of Average is ending.

The rich are getting richer, the poor poorer and this is only accelerating.

Everyone in the middle right now will go on to either become extraordinarily wealthy or incredibly poor.

THAT is the future of planet Earth over the next 50 years.

Few people will own larger and larger percentages of Earth.

The rest of the population will own nothing, work, consume and die.

This outcome is an inevitability which comes from a simple law of the universe.

Winning makes winning easier.


Losing makes losing easier.

Owning resources makes acquiring resources easier.

This is how the Mega-corps of the world and the richest families grow effortlessly.

This is how once I broke the poverty barrier I quickly went on to become a centi-millionaire.

This is how the "OGs" of cryptocurrency are all extraordinarily rich.

Be first.

Work hard.

Grab everything.

Use everything you own as an unfair advantage against the newcomers to grab more.

In four days, some of you reading this will become the first settlers of PLANET T.

You will be the first men at the beginning of the gold rush.

You will quickly learn how to harness the power of modern AI technology.

And using this newfound skill, you will quickly build and own the resources of the new world.


And your life changes forever.

13.7K viewsedited  18:11
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