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#heed_and_hear Hello, dear subscriber! I am joyfully getting b | The High Speech

Hello, dear subscriber! I am joyfully getting back to one of my favourite series on this channel and invite you to listen to an episode of the radio programme One to One broadcast on BBC Radio 4. This is a rather speculative programme where different hosts raise fundamental questions about human lives in the modern world and things and phenomena which more or less shape this modern world.

The programme is delivered in relatively short episodes, so I will likely view more of it in the future.

Programme: One to One
Episode: The Value of Idling – Verity Sharp meets Tim Parks

You can find the episode here.

In this episode, the host Verity Sharp meets the writer and translator Tim Parks, and they talk about the value of having time to yourself, meditating, slowing down and forgetting about the everyday rush in our speedy world.

As for the language and the actual intelligibility, it is overall well done, but there is a piece at around 10:50 that sounds like unintelligible nonsense to me. I have even downloaded it and played it at around 25% of the normal speed, but it still has remained a mystery to me. But the general idea there, fortunately, stays clear enough: she wanted to ask how those practices affect Tim's general productivity. UPD It is 'and of course these things aren't clear-cut', one subscriber helped me to understand this. Also, at 12:26 it is 'calm and know'.

So good for the description, now you are well prepared for the listening. My glossary shall considerably simplify the task. So, go ahead and listen!

A glossary for the episode:
byproduct – побочный продукт
downtime – нерабочее время
idleness – безделье
idler – ленивый человек
to endure – терпеть
to bring about – вызвать
grim – мрачный
prostate – простата
infinite – бесконечный
pelvic pain syndrome – синдром тазовой боли
excessive – чрезмерный
pelvic floor – тазовое дно
to pinch – ущипнуть
to nurture – воспитывать
adolescence – отрочество
clergyman – священнослужитель
vocation – призвание
to capture – захватить
to intercut – вставлять один кинокадр в другой
mind-boggling – ошеломляющий
reservations – недоверие
to loathe – ненавидеть
wacky – дурацкий
V-passiona meditation – медитация V-passiona
retreat – уединение
to render – интерпретировать
to knit – вязать
to drop some balls – не суметь что-то сделать
to toss – кидать, метать
to overwhelm – приводить в возбудение
to take over – завладеть, одержать верх
torment – мучение