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#synomyniser Всем привет! Согласен, подзатянул. Исправляюсь. | The High Speech

Всем привет! Согласен, подзатянул. Исправляюсь.

На этот раз у меня для вас английские синонимы со значением русского слова "суть". Их не так уж много, но все они весьма хороши в речи, поэтому их не помешает знать.

gist – the main part of something written or said without details
What is the gist of this story?
The researcher formulated the gist of her research in an article she wrote for an academic journal.
What is the gist of your argument?

substance – the subject matter of a speech or text
The substance of this research is in historic correlation between the adaptive qualities of microorganisms and the changes in the Earth's atmosphere.
Many tried to understand the substance of the message, but only few came to understand it.

tenor – the general meaning, the main idea
In loyalty to the tenor of his life for forty years and more, ever since he married and founded that mysterious thing, a family, came this warning thought - - None of his blood, no right to anything! (John Galsworthy – The Forsyte Saga)

essence – the most important part of something
The essence of the difference of a human being from other living beings is in its new mental formations, for example, consciousness.
The essence of this plan is to control the machine's engine temperature by using a coolant.