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A recent example: In 1981, Egypt declared a state of emergency | The Bald Avenger

A recent example: In 1981, Egypt declared a state of emergency.

They suspended individual rights and became a dictatorship.

That means anyone could be thrown in prison for any reason.

Anyones money could be taken for any reason.

Children could be tortured in front of fathers.

Wives could be raped in front of husbands.

Torture was fine.

The rule of law and citizens say in it was suspended.

For 20 years. Far longer than the “crisis” required.

Citizens stayed silent. They thought as long as they did, they wouldn’t be targeted. Wrong.

The west stepped in and Arab Spring happened. This is the only thing that stopped it. It took death, sacrifice and committed Free men and women to end it.

Canada just became a dictatorship as the emergency powers, just like in Egypt, were voted on. The emergency that was declared was over and the streets cleared when the vote happened.

They took freedom and Canadian citizens now have zero say over their country.

People who were protesting have now disappeared. Animals euthanized. Women and children being beaten. Kids being taken from parents. Bank accounts emptied.

If you’re staying silent against Biden and his idiotic team of criminals at this point….. ok. So be it.

Ramp it up warriors.

There are worse things than losing the approval of fake virtue signalers.

Freedom is at risk. Period. Anyone that disagrees at this point is either ignorant or a coward. Ignorance can be fixed with an open, curious mind. Cowardice cannot.

Love y’all.


Ps. Joe Rogan show with Maajid Nawaz is fantastic!! Highly recommend!! Joe is still a little brain washed about J6…. But maybe Maajid helped him see it differently.