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•How to Cope (and move forward) As I've said before, this is | The Sun & Her Flowers

How to Cope (and move forward)

As I've said before, this is a common issue and it's okay to deal with it. It doesn't mean you are going to fail in life. But at some point you are going to have to pick up your sword and fight. Below are some tips that I thought would come in handy. I have personally tried some of them and succeeded. The rest I learned from people or the internet. I hope they help.

-Start slow. If your mind hasn't experienced accomplishment in a long time (even the small ones like making your bed), it could be hard to go back on track quickly. Think of it as a process. Start with one or two tasks per day if you have to.
-Your post-wake up routine really matters. Ideally, what we do is toss around a little after we wake up, grab our phones and stay in there for several more hours. This could be okay once in a while but on a daily basis, it keeps us stuck in a drowsy routine. So get up at a time you feel okay with, make your bed, and then continue with your other activities. I know it's a little too much to ask. But do it once and see how it affects your entire day.
-Have a to-do list. Not a mental one. Written! Writing something down makes you recognize a goal. Even if the only thing you have to do today is write one email, write that down and enjoy the satisfaction of crossing it out when completed.
-Break tasks down into small chunks. Instead of cleaning the entire house, work with one room at a time. Your mind feels burdened when faced with tasks that are too heavy and tries to avoid them.
-The Pomodoro Method. You might have heard of this as a study method. Basically, what you do is set a timer for 25 minutes and begin your work. Then take a 5 minute break and repeat. After you do 4 blocks of 25 minute sessions, take a 30 minute break. This helps you get the job done without having to focus for too long or feel fatigued. I haven't tried this yet but I'm willing to experiment.
-Avoid distractions. Someone once told me that first world countries make phones and other devices so addicting because they want to trap the third world youth in a loop of addiction and unproductiveness. It sounds a little biased because procrastination is an international thing, but we are indeed trapped. Enjoy social media and communicating but put your gadgets away when you think of getting work done.
-Reward yourself. Remember those instant gratifications we talked about? Well they aren't always bad guys. You can use them to your own advantage and delay them; turning them into delayed gratification. For example, 'After I clean my room I can watch an episode of my favorite series.'
-Figure out which time of the day you are most likely to be productive during. This skill will help you throughout life. It could be in the morning, afternoon, evening or even past midnight. Experiment and see which works best for you.
-Have someone help you out. You aren't required to do this, but it helps to have someone check on your progress. A friend or a sibling would do. If not, you can text me and we can work on it together. Username in my bio.
