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2022-05-17 18:29:03 Extraterrestrial Stone Could Be First Evidence on Earth of Supernova Ia Explosion

New chemistry ‘forensics’ indicates that the stone named Hypatia from the Egyptian desert could be the first physical evidence found on Earth of a supernova type Ia explosion. These rare supernovas are some of the most energetic events in the universe.

Since 2013, Belyanin and Kramers have discovered a series of highly unusual chemistry clues in a small fragment of the Hypatia Stone.

In the new research, they meticulously eliminate ‘cosmic suspects’ for the origin of the stone in a painstaking process. They have pieced together a timeline stretching back to the early stages of the formation of Earth, our Sun, and the other planets in our solar system.

Their hypothesis about Hypatia’s origin starts with a star: A red giant star collapsed into a white dwarf star. The collapse would have happened inside a gigantic dust cloud, also called a nebula.

That white dwarf found itself in a binary system with a second star. The white dwarf star eventually ‘ate’ the other star. At some point, the ‘hungry’ white dwarf exploded as a supernova type Ia inside the dust cloud.

After cooling, the gas atoms which remained of the supernova Ia started sticking to the particles of the dust cloud.

A huge ‘bubble’ of this supernova dust-and-gas-atoms mix never interacted with other dust clouds.

Millions of years would pass, and eventually the ‘bubble’ would slowly become solid, in a ‘cosmic dust bunny’ kind of way. Hypatia’s ‘parent body’ would become a solid rock sometime in the early stages of formation of our solar system.

This process probably happened in a cold, uneventful outer part of our solar system – in the Oort cloud or in the Kuiper belt.

At some point, Hypatia’s parent rock started hurtling towards Earth. The heat of entry into the earth’s atmosphere, combined with the pressure of impact in the Great Sand Sea in southwestern Egypt, created micro-diamonds and shattered the parent rock.

The Hypatia stone picked up in the desert must be one of many fragments of the original impactor.
262 views15:29
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2022-05-17 18:28:36
Extraterrestrial Stone Could Be First Evidence on Earth of Supernova Ia Explosion

227 views15:28
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2022-05-17 05:59:46
1: Taken with the help of the Lunar orbiter in 1966.

2: Taken in 1972 with Apollo 17 spacecraft from a distance of about 29,000 kilometers (18,000 miles).

3: Taken on Dec 4, 2021, from a distance of 950,000 miles, or 1.5 million kilometers with the help of DSCOVR spacecraft.

286 views02:59
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2022-05-16 10:34:57
Io is the most volcanically active satellite in the Solar System.

Io has an elongated orbit, it is moving away, then approaching Jupiter. The gravitational field also changes, the satellite bends and twists, and the interior of the moon warms up by friction. The heat literally melts Io and lava bursts to the surface.

286 views07:34
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2022-05-15 18:07:12 ISRO successfully tests large human rated solid rocket booster for the Gaganyaan programme

ISRO successfully completed the static test of a human-rated solid rocket booster (HS200) for the Gaganyaan Programme at Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC), Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh on May 13, 2022, at 7:20 AM local time. HS200 rocket booster is the human-rated version of the well-proven S200 rocket booster of GSLV Mk III satellite launch vehicle, popularly known as LVM3. The successful completion of this test marks a major milestone for the prestigious human space flight mission of ISRO, the Gaganyaan, as the first stage of the launch vehicle is tested for its performance for the full duration. The event was witnessed by Shri S Somanath, Chairman, ISRO / Secretary, Department of Space and Dr. S Unnikrishnan Nair, Director, VSSC along with other ISRO scientists. Design and development of the HS200 booster were completed at Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Thiruvananthapuram and propellant casting was completed at SDSC, Sriharikota.

The S200 motor which is the first stage of the LVM3 launch vehicle intended for launching a 4000 kg class of satellites to Geosynchronous transfer orbit, was configured as a strap-on rocket booster. Based on the successful launch pedigree of this launch vehicle including the Chandrayaan mission, the LVM3 has been identified as the launcher for the Gaganyaan mission. For the manned space mission, LVM3 launch vehicle underwent improvements stipulated by the requirements of human rating. Accordingly, a host of design improvements that were aimed at increasing the safety and reliability of various systems were implemented in the S200 booster like all other systems. These include additional safety features for motor case joints and robust insulation and ignition systems. The control system used in this booster employs one of the world’s most powerful electro-mechanical actuators with multiple redundancies and safety features. The system is fully indigenously designed and developed by ISRO in participation with various industries spread across the country. Despite the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, ISRO could complete the entire design, development, realization and testing process within a short span of two years.

The HS200 booster loaded with 203 tons of solid propellant was tested for a duration of 135 seconds. The 20 m long and 3.2 m diameter booster is the world’s second-largest operational booster with solid propellant. During this test, about 700 parameters were monitored and the performance of all the systems was normal. With the successful completion of this test, ISRO marches one more step closer to Gaganyaan Programme. Out of the three propulsion stages of LVM3, the human-rated versions of the second stage known as L110-G loaded with liquid propellant and the third stage C25-G with cryogenic propellant are in the final phase of qualification including tests with static firing. Gaganyaan programme, the most prestigious scientific endeavour of India is steadily progressing towards its final goal of taking an Indian to space and bringing him safely back.
318 viewsedited  15:07
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2022-05-15 18:02:31
ISRO successfully tests large human rated solid rocket booster for the Gaganyaan programme

For detailed information, Please visit below link.

For YouTube video, Please visit below link.

243 views15:02
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We all know the earth rotates and also revolves round the sun. When earth was formed from nebulous cloud, it was spinning and “falling” towards the Sun due to Sun’s gravitational pull. And this continues. Since there is nothing to stop the earth from running, it is doing that ever since. Something should be there to stop this rotation and revolution. As Newton’s law says, if there is some opposing force, the motion will stop. Nothing is there. This rotating and revolving is the earth’s tendency.However, there is only one force that acts in space. That is the gravitational force. Sun’s gravitational force is pulling the earth continuously towards it. Suppose there was no Sun. What would happen The earth would go straight somewhere, who knows! It has the elliptical orbit due to the gravitational pull of the Sun.This story of transverse motion or angular momentum and gravitational force was beautifully defined by Rishi Kaṇâda, a 1000 years before Christ. Poor man, Kashyapa did not get Nobel Prize. What was more, he couldn't get food to eat also! People made fun of his strange 'atomic theory'.

So, this great Kaṇâda says- “nodanât âdyam iṣoḥ karma. tat-karma-kâritâṥca samskârât uttaram tathâ uttaram, tathâ uttaram ca” - Suppose an arrow is shot. The first action is impulse. The next step of its motion is from its samskâra of motion, and then from this and then from this. That is, angular momentum, when there is no opposing force, continues because of its past tendency, and its past tendency, and its past tendency. The earth runs round the sun because of its tendency to run and run and run.Suppose the earth did not have this “samskâra” - tendency to run and run. What would happen samskârâ-bhâve gurutvât patanam says Rishi Kanâda.That is, if there was no tendency of motion, the earth or any object would fall due to gravitational force. In just two sutras, Rishi Kanâda tells what Copernicus, Kepler and Einsten wanted to explain about celestial objects.

92 views07:55
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2022-05-14 10:54:55
86 views07:54
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2022-05-14 07:53:52
Scientists grow 1st plants in moon soil

More than 50 years after astronauts brought the last moon-rock samples to Earth scientists have successfully grown plants in lunar soil from Apollo missions for the first time.

All the moon-soil plants grew slowly and relatively poorly but those grown in samples that had been more exposed on the lunar surface tended to do the worst and genetic analysis showed changes indicative of stress.As NASA prepares to send astronauts back to the moon through its Artemis program and to Mars being able to grow food in extraterrestrial soil during long missions will become important.

"The ability to take plants successfully with us-how we'll grow our own food and how we'll stay there for a while without resupply" Robert Ferl a professor of horticultural sciences said in a news conference held on May 11. He also noted that growing plants on the moon could have other uses including purifying air removing carbon dioxide humans breathe out and producing clean water.
133 views04:53
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