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#SCIENCE Improved CRISPR gene drive solves problems of old te | H News🇬🇧

Improved CRISPR gene drive solves problems of old tech:
CRISPR-CAS9 can be used to prevent malarial mosquitoes from transmitting disease, or possibly to wipe out an invasive species by disabling its ability to reproduce.
Natural genetic variation can also create resistance.
The paper describes a new gene drive, called TARE, which works by targeting a gene that is essential for an organism to function. At the same time, the organism can survive with only one intact copy of this essential gene. Instead of cutting and pasting DNA as homing drives do, the TARE drive simply cuts the other parent's gene, disabling it.
The resistance can indeed evolve with a TARE drive in the wild, especially in very large populations, but they believe it will take longer and evolve at a much lower rate.


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