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AVIAN BOTULISM Avian botulism is a serious neuromuscular i | UPSC Environment Ecology Prelims National Parks


Avian botulism is a serious neuromuscular illness of birds caused by a toxin that is produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum.

Avian botulism has been recognized as major cause of mortality in wild-birds since the 1900s.

Botulinum is a natural toxin produced by bacteria known as Clostridium botulin.

The bacteria is commonly found in the soil, river, and seawater. There are around eight types — A, B, C1, C2, D, E, F, and G — of botulinum toxin and all types of toxins attack the neurons, which leads to muscle paralysis.

Botulinum affects both humans and animals but the type of the toxin varies — botulinum C in birds and A, B, and E in humans.