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U.S. Embassy Tashkent

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Logo of telegram channel usauzbekistan — U.S. Embassy Tashkent
Channel address: @usauzbekistan
Categories: Politics
Language: English
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U.S. Embassy Tashkent
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The latest Messages 9

2023-05-05 09:00:21
Ambassador Henick: “Ended the day with a tour of Silverleafe, a U.S. company whose cotton farm in Djizzakh region is spreading sustainable practices throughout Uzbekistan. Silverleafe also supports the surrounding region by building textile plants to process its harvest locally and refurbishing K-12 schools. Thanks for all you do to build up your community!”

Elchi Henik: “Safarimiz so’ngida Jizzax viloyatidagi paxta yetishtirish bo’yicha ilg’or tajribalarni butun O‘zbekiston bo‘ylab bo’lishayotgan Amerikaning “Silverleafe” kompaniyasiga bordik. “Silverleafe”, shuningdek, hosilni mahalliy ravishda qayta ishlash uchun to'qimachilik korxonalari qurish va maktablarini ta'mirlash orqali viloyatni qo'llab-quvvatlaydi. O’z jamoangiz taraqqiyoti yo’lida amalga oshirayotgan barcha ishlaringiz uchun rahmat!”
7.8K views06:00
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2023-05-05 06:01:04
Ambassador Henick: “Received a special tour of the Sharof Rashidov museum today and learned about one of the important figures in modern Uzbekistan’s history. Thanks to Ms. Gulnora Rashidova for sharing your family’s story with us!”

Elchi Henik: “Bugun Sharof Rashidov muzeyiga sayohat qilib, zamonaviy Oʻzbekiston tarixidagi muhim shaxslardan biri haqida ma’lumotga ega bo’ldim. Gulnora Rashidova xonimga oilalari haqida gapirib berganlari uchun rahmat!”
6.8K views03:01
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2023-05-04 15:00:24
Ambassador Henick: “Excited to spend the day in Djizzakh. Thanks to Governor Saliev for the warm welcome to the region!”

Elchi Henik: “Bugungi kunni Jizzaxda o'tkazishdan juda mamnunman. Samimiy qabul uchun viloyat hokimi Soliyevga rahmat!”
1.8K views12:00
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2023-05-04 12:06:00
Access Program Coordinator Dilorom Hushvaktova recently created a cozy library with English books at Chirchiq School # 20.

Students can now check out books donated by the U.S. Embassy in a variety of genres.

Dilorom truly exemplifies the creative mind of the whole Access family in Uzbekistan - the flags and flowers are the perfect finishing touches!
3.1K views09:06
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2023-05-04 09:32:18
AQSh hukumati O‘zbekistondagi Global seysmik tarmoq stansiyasiga homiylik qiladi

United States Government Sponsors Global Seismic Network Station in Uzbekistan

Правительство США спонсирует станцию Глобальной сейсмической сети в Узбекистане

#uzbekistan #USUZ #GlobalSeismicNetworkStation
4.3K views06:32
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2023-05-03 18:02:14
A group of enthusiastic Uzbekistani journalists and bloggers are enjoying an International Visitor Leadership Program #IVLP program in the United States. They are visiting Washington, DC, Michigan, Colorado and New York to explore the impact of a free press in a democratic society, as well as meeting and sharing ideas with popular American bloggers, influencers, and experts.

O‘zbekistonlik bir guruh shijoatli jurnalist va blogerlar AQShda “International Visitor Leadership Program #IVLP” dasturida qatnashmoqda. Ular demokratik jamiyatda erkin matbuotning ta'sirini o'rganish, shuningdek, mashhur amerikalik bloger, influenser va ekspertlar bilan uchrashib, o’zaro fikr almashish maqsadida poytaxt Vashington, Michigan, Kolorado va Nyu-Yorkka tashrif buyurishmoqda.

#stateivlp #uzbekistan #InternationalVisitorLeadershipProgram
5.1K views15:02
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2023-05-03 09:02:03
Statement from Ambassador Jonathan Henick on World Press Freedom Day 2023

AQSh elchisi Jonatan Henikning 2023-yil Jahon matbuot erkinligi kuni munosabati bilan bayonoti

Заявление посла США Джонатана Хеника по случаю Всемирного дня свободы печати – 2023
4.9K views06:02
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2023-05-02 18:01:35
The U.S. Embassy Tashkent is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for a position of ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK in the General Services Office.

#job #vacancy #uzbekistan
5.9K views15:01
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2023-05-02 15:03:01
Elchi Henik #worldpressfreedomday arafasida nashr etilganining 100 yilligini nishonlash va Oʻzbekistonda ommaviy axborot vositalari erkinligini qoʻllab-quvvatlash maqsadida buyuk o’zbek yozuvchisi Abdulla Qodiriy asos solgan va boshqa jadidlar ijodidan namunalar bosilgan “Mushtum” jurnali tahririyatiga tashrif buyurdi. Bosh muharrir Nosirjon Toshmatov, bir guruh taniqli rassomlar va tahririyat aʼzolari elchiga ajoyib karikaturalarni namoyish etishdi hamda siyosiy va iqtisodiy mavzularni yoritishda jurnalning satira va yumordan foydalanib kelayotgani haqidagi uzoq yillik va muhim tarixidan so’zlab berishdi.
5.6K views12:03
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2023-05-02 15:01:38
On the eve of #worldpressfreedomday, Ambassador Henick visited the offices of Mushtum print magazine, founded by great Uzbek writer Abdulla Qodiriy and to which other jadids contributed, to celebrate the outlet’s 100th anniversary and support media freedom in Uzbekistan. Editor-in-chief Nosirjon Toshmatov and a group of famous political cartoonists and editorial board members shared their cartoons and the magazine’s long and important history of using satire and humor to address political and economic issues.
5.0K views12:01
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