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U.S. Embassy Tashkent

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Logo of telegram channel usauzbekistan — U.S. Embassy Tashkent
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U.S. Embassy Tashkent
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2023-05-20 10:01:09
Dear followers: the driver couldn’t decide which is the best somsa spot in town, so she took our guests to try plov and then showed them beautiful Khast-Imam Complex, where they were inspired to sing.

We want to hear from you! Where do you think they can get the best somsas in Tashkent?

#PipelineVocalProject #AmericanMusicAbroad #CulturalDiplomacy #ExchangeOurWorld #CulturalDiplomat
5.7K views07:01
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2023-05-19 18:06:01 Посольство США в Ташкенте и Служба национальных парков США в мае провели тренинги по управлению лесным хозяйством. Посольство было радо видеть участие множества парков, заповедников, питомников и институтов, в том числе: Института экологии и биоразнообразия, Актау-Тамды, Южный Устюрт, Заамин, Поп, Борсакельмес, Кызыл-Кум, Аманкутан, Сайгачий, Сурхан, Угам Чаткал , Хорезм, Гиссар, Аралкум, Муйнак, Боботог, Заравшан, Нурота, Судочье, Юкори Тупаланг, Джейран, и Нижнеамударьинский государственный биосферный заповедник. Основные темы охватывали оценку использования парка для посетителей и разработку систем управления пропускной способности; улучшение доступности парков для посетителей с ограниченными возможностями, и разработку логических указателей и дорожек в национальных парках.
5.3K views15:06
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2023-05-19 18:03:01 Toshkentdagi AQSh elchixonasi va AQSh Milliy bog'lar xizmati may oyida o'rmonlarni boshqarish bo'yicha trening o'tkazdilar. Elchixona koʻplab bogʻlar, qoʻriqxonalar, pitomniklar va institutlar ishtirok etganidan mamnun boʻldi. Ular orasida: Ekologiya va bioxilma-xillik instituti, Oqtau-Tamdi, Janubiy Ustyurt, Zomin, Pop, Borsakelmes, Qizilqum, Amanqutan, Saygʻoqchiy, Surxon, Ugom. Chotqol, Xorazm, Hisor, Orolqum, Moʻynoq, Bobotogʻ, Zarafshon, Nurota, Sudochye, Yuqori Toʻpalang, Jeyron, va Paski Amudaryo davlat biosfera qo'riqxonasi. Quyidagi mavzular muhokama qilindi: tashrif buyuruvchilar uchun parkdan foydalanishni baholash va imkoniyatlarni boshqarish tizimlarini ishlab chiqish, nogironligi bo‘lgan tashrif buyuruvchilar uchun bog‘lardan foydalanish imkoniyatini yaxshilash, va milliy bog‘larda yo‘l ko‘rsatkichlari va yo‘llarini ishlab chiqish.
4.8K views15:03
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2023-05-19 18:01:24
Embassy Tashkent and the U.S. National Park Service held trainings in May on Forest Management. The embassy was pleased to see many participating parks, reserves, nurseries, and institutes, including: Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity, Aktau-Tamdy, Southern Ustyurt, Zaamin, Pop, Borsakelmes, Kyzyl-Kum, Amankutan, Saygachiy, Surkhan, Ugam Chatkal, Khorezm, Gissar, Aralkum, Muynak, Bobotog, Zarafshan, Nurota, Sudochye, Yukori Tupalang, Jeyran, and Lower Amudarya State Biosphere Reserve. Participants learned how to estimate visitor park use and develop capacity management; how to improve accessibility for disabled park visitors; and how to develop signs and paths in national parks.
4.7K views15:01
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2023-05-19 12:00:16
We are proud to have strong alumni promoting tolerance and social inclusion in their communities. Valeria Kraeva, Hesed Bukhara Project Manager, visited Washington D.C., Kalamazoo, and San Francisco with the #InternationalVisitorsLeadershipProgram to explore best practices to improve the lives of people with disabilities and explored new approaches in creating economic opportunities for those in need.
5.1K views09:00
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2023-05-18 13:24:05
American a cappella group Pipeline Vocal Project has been enjoying their visit to Uzbekistan!

#AmericanMusicAbroad #CulturalDiplomacy #ExchangeOurWorld #CulturalDiplomat
9.8K viewsedited  10:24
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2023-05-18 11:27:05
Thanks to American a cappella group Pipeline Vocal Project for holding a masterclass with UzSIAC on Creative Entrepreneurship in the United States. Students learned all about the American music industry, marketing, and the teamwork it takes to succeed in the business.

Kuni kecha “Pipeline Vocal Project” O’zbekiston davlat madaniyat va san’at instituti xodimlari bilan Amerika Qo‘shma Shtatlarida ijodiy tadbirkorlik mavzusiga bag‘ishlangan davra suhbatida qatnashdi. Talabalar Amerika musiqa sanoati, marketing va biznesda muvaffaqiyatga erishish uchun zarur narsalarni bilib oldilar.

Вчера трио “Pipeline Vocal Project” провело панельную дискуссию с сотрудниками Государственного института культуры и искусства на тему «Креативное предпринимательство в США». Студенты узнали много полезного об американской музыкальной индустрии, маркетинге и командной работе, необходимой для достижения успеха в бизнесе.
6.8K viewsedited  08:27
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2023-05-18 06:00:39
Meet our #InternationalVisitorsLeadershipProgram alumna, Kristina Mailova. Kristina is a teacher at the Bukhara Presidential School and recently returned from Washington D.C., Portland, and Charleston. She spent her time in the U.S. learning about American language and multicultural diversity and had the unique opportunity to observe classes in a U.S. public school. Kristina was impressed with the services available for students with disabilities and brought back new ideas to incorporate into her teaching in Bukhara.
5.5K views03:00
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2023-05-17 18:01:33
The latest Go Mentor cohort recently concluded their program. Go Mentor pairs participants with experts and specialists in the business, media, culture, and technological sectors throughout Central Asia to focus on building professional skills and achieving career goals. The three-month program culminated with two participants earning a spot at the Central Asia Youth Leadership Academy (CAYLA), a participant securing an internship at a major IT company in Tashkent, and another advanced to the next stage of a competition to intern at Google. Don’t miss out! Follow @goviralca to learn about future opportunities!
2.7K views15:01
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2023-05-17 12:31:28
Tune your radio on Ózbegim Taronasi FM 101 at 3 p.m. today to hear American a cappella group Pipeline Vocal Project perform live on air! ♫
5.5K viewsedited  09:31
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