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U.S. Embassy Tashkent

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Logo of telegram channel usauzbekistan — U.S. Embassy Tashkent
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U.S. Embassy Tashkent
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2023-06-15 12:00:26
This week 40 American and 40 local Uzbekistani #English teachers came together in #Tashkent to begin the English Summer Excellence Training (#ESET) program. These 80 teachers will lead three-week trainings for public school teachers throughout #Uzbekistan. The U.S. Embassy is proud to partner with the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, the Avloni Teacher Training Institute, and #AmericanCouncils to support students and teachers throughout Uzbekistan.
11.8K views09:00
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2023-06-13 15:01:13
Calling all scholars! On June 16, the annual competition for the #FulbrightVisitingScholarProgram will open. This program offers three-to five-month grants to educators, scholars, and experienced professionals from Uzbekistan to conduct lectures and/or research, or explore best practices for curriculum development in the United States. The deadline for the 2024 Fulbright Visiting Scholar application is September 16, 2023. Apply now! Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity!

#Fulbright #Education #Research #CurriculumDevelopment
2.6K views12:01
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2023-06-13 09:06:01 С приходом летней жары наступает прекрасное время, чтобы начать думать о зимнем отдыхе в Соединенных Штатах Америки. Посольство США открывает места для регистрации записи на собеседования по неиммиграционным визам на период с сентября по декабрь, каждый вторник и четверг в 16:00. Количество мест на неиммиграционные визы на июль и август ограничено, места почти заполнены. Туристы должны заполнить анкету на получение визы заранее, прежде чем они смогут записаться бесплатно онлайн на собеседование. Туристическая виза в США действительна в течение 12 месяцев, поэтому пожалуйста, планируйте получение визы заранее!

#visaappointments #visaapplication #ConsularTashkent #uzbekistan
4.1K views06:06
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2023-06-13 09:04:01 Kirib kelgan jazirama yoz vaqtida AQShga qishki sayohat haqida o'ylashni boshlash uchun ajoyib vaqtdir. AQSh elchixonasi haftaning har Seshanba va Payshanba kunlari soat 16:00da Sentyabr oyidan Dekabr oyigacha bo'lgan sanalar uchun viza suhbati o'rinlarini ochadi. Iyul va Avgust oylari uchun joylar soni cheklangan va deyarli to'lgan. Sayohatchilar viza uchun suhbat kunini bepul onlayn tarzda belgilashdan avval, viza uchun anketani to'ldirib qo'yishlari zarur. Turistik viza 12 oy davomida amal qiladi, shu bois sizdan, viza rejalaringizni avvaldan belgilashingizni so'raymiz!
3.7K views06:04
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2023-06-13 09:00:35

With the arrival of the summer heat, it is a great time to start thinking of a winter holiday in the United States. The U.S. Embassy is opening visa appointments for dates in September through December every Tuesday and Thursday at 4 p.m. Appointments for July and August are limited and nearly full. Travelers must complete their visa application before they can make their free online appointment. A U.S. tourist visa is valid for 12 months so please make your visa plans in advance!
3.5K views06:00
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2023-06-12 15:01:28
Time is running out to register for the "48 Hour Film Race" challenge!

Aspiring directors, actors, or screenwriters from Kasakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan can register now. Create a short film in just 48 hours and get the chance to win valuable prizes.

Register at by June 14th!
7.5K views12:01
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2023-06-12 10:03:02
Check out the upcoming events at the American Center Tashkent this week!

#weeklyschedule #schedule
4.5K views07:03
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2023-06-09 18:01:56
Do you want to challenge yourself as a director, actor, or screenwriter? Do you love creating unique stories and capturing them on camera?

"48 Hour Film Race" is a unique competition where you and your team have the opportunity to create a short film in just 48 hours based on a special creative assignment given the day before the competition starts. By participating, you also have a chance to win valuable prizes:

• Free annual subscriptions from the media service MEGOGO
• A grant for a three-month training program at Almaty Cinema School
• $9,000 from Samsung Bespoke to fulfill your creative dream
• Online and offline training at the New York Film Academy

Please, register and fill out the participant form using the links in the BIO @48HFR or on the website.

Updated registration deadline: June 14
Competition start date: June 17

The annual Central Asian film competition, 48 Hour Film Race, is implemented by IWPR in Central Asia with the support of the U.S. Mission in Kazakhstan.
4.7K views15:01
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2023-06-09 09:04:25
The U.S. Embassy in Tashkent is delighted to contribute to the preservation of Uzbekistan’s magnificent cultural heritage through the #AmbassadorsFundForCultural Preservation (#AFCP). By supporting cultural preservation in #Uzbekistan, the United States shows its respect for the cultural heritage of this amazing country. To learn more about our AFCP projects in Uzbekistan click on the link.

AQShning Toshkentdagi elchixonasi Madaniy merosni asrab-avaylash bo’yicha elchi jamg’armasi (AFCP) orqali O‘zbekistonning betakror madaniy merosini saqlab qolishga hissa qo‘shayotganidan mamnundir. Bunday qo’llov orqali Qoʻshma Shtatlar ushbu ajoyib mamlakatning madaniy merosiga bo’lgan hurmatini namoyon etadi. O‘zbekistondagi AFCP loyihalarimiz haqida ko‘proq ma’lumot olish uchun mana bu havolani bosing.

#AFCPprojectsinUzbekistan #USUZ #usembassytashkent
4.7K viewsedited  06:04
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2023-06-08 12:01:37
Meet Khoorshid Alimardanov from Ezgulik NGO who recently traveled to the United States as part of the #InternationalVisitorsLeadershipProgram! Khoorshid visited police departments, attended court proceedings, and met with experts and NGOs combating human rights violations across the country. Welcome back Khoorshid! We can’t wait to see how you use your experience to improve the lives of people in need!
5.5K views09:01
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