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LEVIATHAN'S WILES Leviathan has been on the rampage again. Th | Wanda Alger


Leviathan has been on the rampage again. The old twisting serpent has always sought to squeeze the life of God out of us. This time he seeks to divide and conquer through miscommunications and word shifting. He’s stirring up mistrust amongst leaders and creating factions out of fiction. I’ve been watching it all week and when I started to write it down, it came out like this:

You need be aware
of a deadly snare
coming straight from Leviathan’s head.
He is shifting words
and statements we’ve heard
and twisting the things that we’ve said.

Every word that we speak
is a chance for a leak
that his henchmen will twist and contort.
So please stay alert
to those words causing hurt
and test them by heaven’s true court.

He loves to divide
or say someone lied
so watch for his hooks and his bait.
He’s releasing a curse
hoping things will get worse
bearing down on the saints with his weight.

So be watchful with care
to this scrupulous snare
that is seeking to tear us apart.
Determine to wait
as you stand at the gate
and look at the state of the heart.

Refuse to believe
every message received
and take time to determine its source.
Reject the offense
and use godly sense
to untangle and straighten your course.

I think we are near
to the enemy’s fear
that the saints overcome him at last.
So, watch for his traps
as you stand in the gap
he’ll be vanquished with saints holding fast!