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I am going to address a concern that has been raised by some o | Wanda Alger

I am going to address a concern that has been raised by some on this channel in regard to my last post on Leviathan and how it might tie to General Flynn’s so-called “satanic prayer” at Hank Kunneman’s church. (For those not familiar with this situation, you haven’t missed anything – the confusion isn’t worth your time:-). Rather than lowering the conversation to hearsay and gossip, I want to offer some principles that I go by when determining what is true and what is not.

1-I will not entertain an accusation against anyone based on one situation, conversation, or statement. Only when there is a consistent pattern (at least 3 instances) of “wrong-doing” will I begin to look deeper into any suggestion of impropriety, heresy, or deception (1 Timothy 5:19). Just because a group of people gang up on someone doesn’t make their claim legitimate.

2-When evaluating a person’s testimony, I go much more by what they DO than what they SAY. For those who have stood by President Trump all this time, we should have learned this by now. Even good people say wrong things – at the wrong time. It doesn’t mean they are compromised, corrupt, or evil. It just means they’re human – and hopefully growing towards maturity.

3-When evaluating a person’s reputation, I go much more by their track record than by hearsay, gossip, and opinionated commentaries. The state of one’s heart bares fruit – either good or bad. Someone who is corrupt may be able to fake their persona, but they can’t fake good fruit (Matt 7:17-20). And there are those who have a “good heart” but are either young in the Lord, immature in their faith, or ignorant of Scripture. This doesn’t make them evil – just immature.

4-I may not always know what is in a person’s heart, but I CAN discern the SPIRIT by which they operate (Hebrews 4:12-13, John 1:47, Matt 9:4). If it is HOLY Spirit, there will be authenticity, humility, and a desire to do what is good, right, and true – even at personal cost. If it is their HUMAN spirit, it will probably cause some confusion because it’s their flesh talking, and not the Lord. However, it is not demonic – it’s just void of spiritual authority. If someone is truly being led by a DEMONIC spirit, they will draw you away from the Lord, cause you to question your faith in God, and stir up offense against anyone that doesn’t agree with them. Someone led by this kind of spirit LOVES to STIR UP controversies and theories – without any clear resolution (2 Timothy 2:23-24). THIS is what we should be more concerned about than with humanly motivated nonsense.

5-When seeing someone (especially a leader) make a mistake or cause confusion, I give them some grace and latitude if they have not shown any other indication of wrongdoing. I will not allow a Religious Spirit to lead the conversation and nit-pick over the slightest of offense.

In case you haven’t noticed, we have a lot of front-line workers who are very passionate about this country and love God but are immature in some of their faith practices. (If we’re going to give President Trump the benefit of the doubt in some of his comments – why not some of these other leaders?) We are not all going to agree on the way we express our faith (can we really expect a traditional Baptist to express things the same way a Charismatic would? Or a Catholic?) Pharisee – get thee behind me.

Leviathan has infiltrated the ranks and infected many conversations with false accusations and outright lies. In my last post, I shared the WORD OF THE LORD which is to STOP SPREADING HEARSAY. Get on your knees and start praying for these leaders who have already sacrificed much at great personal cost.