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Become the swan of the highest order. #Truth_Eternal Guidance | Spirituality from India - HEARTFULNESS

Become the swan of the highest order. #Truth_Eternal

Guidance and support from Messages of Whispers
Monday, January 12, 2015 – 7:00 p.m.

1. Let him (Daaji) get his bearings – he will accomplish great things; this has been planned, and it makes us happy.
2. Let us trust that all our brothers and sisters will be even more committed to this journey, the importance of which many of them do not yet totally realise.
3. What must be will be.
4. Special blessings to our dear Kamlesh and to each of our aspirants, for the best that can be. So it is.

Above are the some direct infrences. It is requested to all to read the messages full.

#implied_meaning #direct_meaning #whisper #blessings
#heartfulness #since1945 #meditate #practice #act