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Guidance and support from Messages of Whispers Saturday, Janu | Spirituality from India - HEARTFULNESS

Guidance and support from Messages of Whispers
Saturday, January 17, 2015 – 10:00 a.m.

1. Sahaj Marg journey is uncommon and salutary.
2. Unity is strength, power of action and achievement of the best.
3. These daily messages are given for the benefit of all our abhyasis.
4. No time should be wasted.
5. Adapt to a reality related to the messages, try to read them.
6. The Sahaj Marg Mission has nothing to hide.
7. All our abhyasis are important to us, they are dear to us in more than one way.
8. We work for the good of all.
9. Special blessings to the whole of this Mission.

#implied_meaning #direct_meaning #whisper #blessings
#heartfulness #since1945 #meditate #practice #act

Try to make your notes, either on hardbook or at digital book. You may note statements that include #must #let #think_of #meditate_on etc. It will work for you. Read full messages. #Subscribe it. #whispers_messages_is_for_all.